LIBERALISM is Mental Disorder

Discussion in 'Politics' started by estrader, Feb 11, 2006.

In your view, what is Liberalism?

  1. A mental disorder

    11 vote(s)
  2. A higher state of intellect

    5 vote(s)
  3. A fascist movement

    2 vote(s)
  4. A freedom movement

    2 vote(s)
  1. Ricter


    I say liberalism and conservatism arise mutually.

    If there is any mental disorder involved, it would be believing that one or the other could ultimately triumph.
  2. The question is about liberalism. Trying to spread the blame onto other intellectual movements, does not answer the poll question about what is liberalism in one's personal view.
  3. Ricter


    Praise and blame arise mutually as well.
  4. Like the sun and the moon. :D
  5. Are right wingers neo-nazis or they're just trying to establish a new world order?

  6. Are you talking about people who did this to her with their LIBERAL policies?


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    East London killings by you know who:

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  7. I did not know that was done by liberals, I always thought that was done by religious uber-conservative fundamentalists - something compleletely opposite to liberalism and very similar to religious right-wing freaks in this country who illegally invaded a foreign nation, authorized torture and illegal wiretapping of american citizens. Sorry, my bad.
  8. You mean to call these people conservative and religious:

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  9. EC1


    This thread is unsettling. I did not know there was a strong anti-liberal feeling anywhere in the western world.
    #10     Feb 11, 2006