Liberal protesters vs. conservative protesters

Discussion in 'Politics' started by peilthetraveler, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. How about 10,000 years ago, or doesn't your calendar go back that far?
    #41     Aug 3, 2012
  2. The prevalence of domestic violence among Gay and Lesbian couples is approximately 25 - 33%. It is as common as it is in heterosexual relationships. (Barnes, It's Just a Quarrel', American Bar Association Journal, February 1998, p. 25.)

    Nearly one in four women in the United States reports experiencing violence by a current or former spouse or boyfriend at some point in her life.4

    a tie-in with the gun debate.............

    Access to firearms yields a more than five-fold increase in risk of intimate partner homicide when considering other factors of abuse, according to a recent study, suggesting that abusers who possess guns tend to inflict the most severe abuse on their partners.
    #42     Aug 3, 2012
  3. My argument that if there were more gays the population would not grow as much "fell to pieces" ? Interesting. Or are you one those of guys who think there is no limit to how many people the earth can support.
    #43     Aug 3, 2012
  4. umm nope Jungle bunnies eating (infected ) monkey brains is the cause for AIDS.
    think mad cow disease on steroids

    Also tribes that ceremoniously eat the brains of their deceased played a role in it's evolution to man.

    Oddly enough I don't believe the original virus was deadly to the monkeys.
    #44     Aug 3, 2012
  5. Isn't time for you to go home and "bite the pillow"?
    #45     Aug 3, 2012
  6. No, there is a limit to how much the earth can support, but you dont understand that humans adapt and as the population grows, so will the ability to leave and colonize other planets.

    Less than 200 years ago, when the population of the world was 1 billion, man could only get around by 1 of two ways. His feet or the feet of his animal. 100 years ago when the population was 1.6 billion, man learned to build planes. 50 years ago when the population was 3 billion, man learned to build spacecraft and soon after landed on the moon. 15 to 20 years ago the population of the world was 5.7 billion and man created the world wide web and connected the intelligence of the world together. Its a small mind that thinks we won't have figured out how to travel 100s of light years in a short amount of time and colonize other planets when its only been a decade or so that we linked the combined intelligence of the world together. If we can go from walking and letter writing communication to space travel & instant communication in just 100 years(which was far beyond the imagination of the average person 100 years ago) then it stands to reason, we will advance far beyond our current imagination 100 years from now.
    #46     Aug 4, 2012
  7. jcl


    Homosexuality is not the solution of the population problem, but colonizing other planets isn't either, due to the unfortunate lack of planets. The only planet in our solar system that could be colonized is Mars, but terraforming Mars will take about 100,000 years at least. Exporting superfluous population to planets of other stars won't work either as described in science fiction novels, due to various reasons, one of them is special relativity theory.

    Sooner or later, mankind has to adopt the Chinese solution to reduce overpopulation.
    #47     Aug 4, 2012
  8. You are thinking with the knowledge of current science and technology. Its akin to someone in the 1800s saying we will never go to the moon because horses can't fly and nobody can jump that high.

    General theory of relativity says mass warps space and it could be possible to "punch a hole" through space one day to get from one place in the galaxy to another. With knowledge online now and billions of people having access to it, who knows what the next decade will bring in terms of discoveries of space travel.

    And there is already a plan to have human settlements on mars by 2023.
    #48     Aug 4, 2012
  9. jcl


    I have not said that human stations on mars are not possible; in fact they will most likely be built someday. But you can not solve the population problem this way, as you'd need a sort of habitable planet for a mass exodus. The problem is not lack of imagination of future technology. It's just logic and the laws of nature.

    For punching a hole through space, you would need at least the mass required for creating a singularity. This is a mass equivalent to about four times the mass of the sun. Even then you can enter the singularity with your space ship, but can not exit it. Reaching the stars in a more conventional way, with a perfect space ship engine, would also require too much energy and too high travel time for a realistic population exodus. Read here why:

    Future technology can solve many, but not all human problems. And even if it could theoretically solve them, for instance by building a Dyson shere or thousands of huge space stations in orbits around the sun, the Chinese solution would be somewhat easier.
    #49     Aug 4, 2012
  10. Lucrum


    Oops there's those pesky facts again. Now of course it'll be denied with nary a shred of evidence to back up their denial.
    #50     Aug 4, 2012