"Liberal?" "Conservative?"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jonbig04, Nov 10, 2008.

  1. Provide one example how debt right now is worse than inceased taxes.

    I understand your view of paying the debt but you don't understand my view that it is much easier and smarter to pay the debt when there is a good economy.
    #11     Nov 10, 2008
    #12     Nov 10, 2008
  3. I hate to keep harping on a retard ... but is there ANYONE more stupid on these forums than NeoReo. This guy is a total clown. He never replies to a question or makes his point... AND then he criticizes guys who are much more experienced, intelligent and sophisticated than he is because HE cannot comprehened!

    He can rarely understand any post that has any sophisticated or higher level thinking therein... and then he accuses or implies that it is the poster who is responsbile for HIS ignorance!

    If this guy is over 18.... it is a disgrace to all thinking and intelligent adults !! LOL LOL
    #13     Nov 10, 2008
  4. Further this nitwit NeoReo can NEVER stay on topic. For example this thread is about liberal and conservative labels. AND this moron has to insert his ignorance into the middle of the thread with countless ignorant posts about another topic, i.e. taxes !

    Then he continues to HARP on it until he gets someone to show him the love that apparently mommie doesn't give him... by telling him he is right (even though it is off topic or wrong)!

    So rude !
    #14     Nov 10, 2008
  5. He's a stupid fuck acne ridden teenager, wonder why Jonbig wastes his time trying to reason with him.
    elections are over, we won.
    #15     Nov 10, 2008
  6. Wow just like Iceman to never provide anything of substance to the debate. Oh and sorry to ruin your ideal world and your perfect candidate Iceman with something called reality.

    Oktiri is almost as fucked up as ZZZzzzz for living on this forum. Get a life man.

    You can both prove that your not huge idiots by making a persuasive statement that defends the raising of taxes in a bad economy.

    I will be waiting for your answer....
    #16     Nov 10, 2008
  7. First of all high taxes under Clinton was acceptable because of the tech boom.

    Secondly do you seriously and stupidly believe the reason the economy is in the shitter is because we are in debt? LOL

    The spending in Iraq and government spending overall has no negative impacts on wall street or main street. Taxes on the other hand do.

    What do you guys think im doing advocating the increasing of wealth to only the few? LOL again. You need to stop with your conspiracy theories.

    You, Iceman and Oktiri are not persuasive at all when it comes to figuring out the fiscal issues of the economy.

    Jonbig i really cannot believe your serious when you say debt is the reason the economy sucks. Amazing.
    #17     Nov 10, 2008

  8. are you talking to yourself now, retard?
    #18     Nov 10, 2008
  9. Im talking to Jonbig.

    I would ask if you have an opinion Oktiri but i would just be kidding myself.
    #19     Nov 10, 2008
  10. In all honestly Neo you fail to make a cohesive point.

    You say:

    when before you said

    haha errr ok?

    Short term? No. You read my reasoning for the immediate financial crisis didn't you? Oh you didn't? Well its attached for you. Don't even try to pretend like you have a logical, coherent reasoning behind your posts after you say something like this. Read the attachment I wrote, then place your argument.

    That proves BEYOND the shadow of a doubt that you have no idea what you're talking about and can't think at all logically. You think spending has NO ill effect? Yet taxes do? Think about what you just said! Where do you think they get the money to spend! WTF?? USE YOUR HEAD.

    And on top of it you said

    When earlier you said

    Lol are you arguing with yourself?

    lol neo it would be one thing if you were just an idiot, but you actually ACCUSE others of being more idiotic than you, thats the funny part. I mean look at what you have said so far! I dont even have to say anything but paste your own words right back to you. You don't even know what you're talking about, on top of that you contradict yourself and manage not to make a single real point, you dodge my questions and then you tell us we're idiots? lol ok..
    #20     Nov 10, 2008