Leverage, I dont understand the principle of it...

Discussion in 'Forex' started by capitalistsmith, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. it's getting to be like clockwork

    I have a position on that is moving against me

    no point in just sitting there fretting watching it

    Burn up some excess energy talking to other posters about Italy and the NFL

    wait for the little beeper to go off

    see that it is the leverage thread

    click it

    see that it is another dumbass reply from 6ta

    click delete

    and go back to tws and check the position
    #171     Jul 31, 2012

  2. You're wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy of your league
    #172     Jul 31, 2012
  3. Ahh yes! The Gulf War pilot played for the Raiders while not deployed. Yeah, you're totally sane, Bro. Yup. All good.
    #173     Jul 31, 2012
  4. hft_boy


    I don't know why anybody would want the mods to shut down this thread. It's like the most entertaining thread on ET.
    #174     Jul 31, 2012
  5. hey, give the guy a break, a lot of Gulf War veterans come back mentally deranged. At least he figured out how to play for the Raiders and open an FXCM account. I know neither takes a lot of brains, but it's a start..
    #175     Jul 31, 2012
  6. I know, probably the only reason it is still on the forex forum is, they can't decide whether to move it to the Delusions of Grandeur forum or the Pathological Liar forum

    Ah well, most of us forex traders are suffering from both so I guess it fits right in
    #176     Jul 31, 2012
  7. achilles28


    No harm done. We rip the hell out of each other, around here. Par for the course :D There's not much euro confidence, despite it being oversold (for the time being). Draghi's gonna monetize soon to keep the ez together. Given usd easing and qe3, a good trade might be short euro against gold or crude, instead of vis a vis another currency. I still don't get how you trade. Once you're in, do you hold until it's a winner?
    #177     Jul 31, 2012
  8. yeah well, I am losing my ass in it today, after having been repeatedly warned by other more knowledgeable traders that it was going up.

    No, I take a lot of losses, sometimes big losses
    #178     Jul 31, 2012
  9. achilles28


    We all take our lumps. I try to keep them as small as possible. As far as short and medium term investing, I think Faber is good. Buy during bears, sell during bulls. Some european equities are near (or past '09) lows, with a good dividend.
    #179     Jul 31, 2012
  10. 2 per day is fine, it's the .31 that kind of leaves the rest of us hanging
    #180     Jul 31, 2012