Leverage, I dont understand the principle of it...

Discussion in 'Forex' started by capitalistsmith, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. well, I'm flat in real life

    this is just from my paper account

    I try to run the same system in both, In paper I am either long short all the time always in, I won't put it on for real until the paper starts moving

    already took a profit today and took the other side
    so that makes me

    long AUD from 500

    long EUR from 2259

    short GBP from 5706

    and long USD/CAD from 1.0022

    I'll let know how it works out if I don't get too busy replying to dumbshits

    It's only paper anyway, I never pretend I'm trading live when I'm not
    #151     Jul 30, 2012
  2. achilles28


    Well, at least u got the balls to post some trades. The Euro was overdone, and due for a pop. On Faber's recommendation, I'm thinking of going long some european utilities: France Telecom, Telefonika, or Portugal Telecom, all at '09 lows, or below, with a nice yield. Draghi's gonna print for the time being, so it's a good time to buy.
    #152     Jul 30, 2012
  3. achilles28


    I'll take that as a no. You pussy
    #153     Jul 30, 2012
  4. yeah, it's showing a small profit as we speak, I'm about getting ready to put on the other side for real, I know I gave you a lot of shit on your europanic thread, but to be honest with you, I am just not comfortable being long EUR at this time, and for that matter long AUD way up here, for me best time to take a profit is usually 5:00 et and best time to take the other side is 15:00 et
    #154     Jul 31, 2012
  5. MattSF


    I for one am convinced you're false, not that your postings here left any doubt. I took a look at the first trade2win.com thread you posted and took the crosses and scraped them into excel. Most of the pairs were not trading where you say you filled. You have all these duplicate synthetic positions that couldn't possibly result in the pnl you state as many are netted. All I figure is that you assumed nobody would actually run the numbers. Your figures are erroneous, completely made up.
    #155     Jul 31, 2012
  6. MattSF


    Your vitriolic response is further confirmation. The day I am jealous of a lout like you is the day I end it. If anyone wants to see the results of the scrape theyre welcome to contact me and see that your data is completely hacked. The prices you posted were well away from where you stated they were and many of the crosses net to the synthetic positions and flat yet you sum them anyway.

    My guess is that you don't trade at all and this entire persona youve built is a desperate attempt to receive some minimal grubstake.

    Ill leave you be as its a bit too pathetic to watch. Back to the london games.
    #156     Jul 31, 2012
  7. MattSF


    Who are you referring to? You should probably quote the intended victim of your psychotic rants.
    #157     Jul 31, 2012
  8. MattSF


    NO you did not. Not based on the prices and positions shown in the Trade2Win thread.
    #158     Jul 31, 2012
  9. MattSF


    I was initially sympathetic which beget pity. I don't pity you any more as you're not deserving of even that. Anyone with any chops in fx can see where your numbers and netting is bunk. I don't need to give you the rope as you've come prepared with your own.

    My offer still stands to anyone who wants to see the real outcome of his Trade2Win, profile as you say? PM me for the excel sheet.
    #159     Jul 31, 2012
  10. MattSF


    The first trade posted [eur.usd] is completely false in terms of your posted pnl. And thats not even the most obvious instance of fraud. It gets worse but I'll let you stew. I am in Serbia this week and its only 7AM.
    #160     Jul 31, 2012