Let's find a moslem chat room and attack the participants with anti-moslem rhetoric!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rowenwood, Mar 23, 2004.

  1. Those links you posted have a section called, HIGHLIGHTS. Under it in today's page is a link: The World in Pictures.

    **WARNING** The pictures on this sites link are absolutely gruesome and sickening...Be advised....it is a JAVA script so I wont post the link here...

    While the IslamOnline site purports to play 'middle of the road', its exactly the type of talking out of both sides of their mouth that the entire Islamic holy culture is guilty of. They talk of cooperation with anti-terror campaigns of the US and UK, and yet they post these types of pictures that incite violence and encourage their own people that this behavior is OK.

    Look at those pictures... those are soldiers doing their job that their country told them to do... whether anyone agrees with it or not, they are doing their job. Now when we take prisoners, such as those in Gitmo and Saddam-scum, we have to treat them with respect because the world is watching. When we have THEIR casualties in our possession, the bodies are returned to their country and rights respected. Here we see locals, who hate us for bringing them freedom and removing oppressive governments beating the burnt corpses of OUR men. Men that had more sense of honor and duty then these uneducated roaches will ever know. Do I expect them to know any better? Maybe not, but time will show them that the U.S. came as liberators, not occupiers. That said, these pictures exacerbate the problems and the fact that they are posted is enough proof that the religious leaders say one thing but represent something else. Why do they need to put those pictures in there? Because the locals are celebrating the death of the infidels, and they give their approval by posting these pictures. Its built into their culture to blame, because most Islamic cultures (not all, but most) are repressive to women, sexually repressive and hate freedoms because freedom challenges those in power. So what does that have to do with us having some fun?

    I am tired of the double-talk. The attitude that some killing is OK, but hey, let's cooperate with the anti-terror coalition *wink wink, nudge nudge*. Those in power, their religious leaders, may fool their own people but most in the free world see through this rouse.

    I wish, as one poster wrote, LOVE could solve these problems. But in the real world, the fanatics see LOVE as weakness, not understanding.

    I am tired of trying to be understanding. I am tired of trying to 'get it'. I am tired of having my freedoms impinged upon because a bunch of roaches (see terrorist) want to blow innocent people up because they have twisted their own holy doctrine into something evil.

    Does it resolve anything? No, it does not. Until these people in these repressed cultures are free to speak their minds, better themselves and learn what real freedoms are, nothing will change. And while I am encouraged that our tireless troops in Iraq are planthing the seeds of freedom THANKLESSLY, only time will tell what may come.

    So, if I see a cause of freedom loving people that want to lash out in cyberspace against fountains of hatred spewing their evil, I am all for it. I will do my part and get a laugh out of it too. Do not ask me to be understanding anymore. I don't see the other side being understanding. Don't ask me what good comes of it, because we all realize none does. However I would assume our targets would be those guilty of spewing hatred, not innocent people observing their religion. Our fun doesnt intend to murder innocent people, only rage against the sources of evil that make us feel this way.


    Sorry guys, it felt good to say that.
    #31     Mar 31, 2004
  2. Suck my dick, asshole.
    #32     Mar 31, 2004