Lets do something positive

Discussion in 'Trading' started by trader58, Sep 13, 2001.

  1. trader58


    Yesterday in NY we lost more firefighters in a few seconds then we have have Nationally in the last three years. There are many children left without fathers and wives without their husbands. This link will allow you to donate right now. You can even use your credit card. Please pass on this link to everyone you know.


    I ask everyone to share ways that everyone can do their small part in this tragedy. Lets keep this thread free of bickering and full of ideas. Thank you.
  2. NickLeeson

    NickLeeson Guest

    Thanks, I think that is an excellent idea, donating money is one of the things everybody here on this board of traders should be able to do.
  3. trader58


    The United Way September 11th Fund


    100% of your contribution will be used to support needed services for victims and their families. United Way and The New York Community Trust are underwriting all administrative costs.
  4. trader58


    Just wanted to get this back to the top in case no one saw it. Unless you have been on a remote island I am sure you have heard about the Spetember 11th Fund.

    I had a great day today, on the Long side and will contribute to the fund. A lot of traders have been discussing shorting stocks and giving to charity. "Robin Hood" style, is how I believe one trader put it. Time to back it up.


