Let us hear what's u'r BEST strategics?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by polopo, Mar 27, 2002.

  1. polopo


    i think this is the time that everyone will anonymosly tell our best success stories . if all of us will combine our powers will take over the world:p

    why u ask?:confused:

    why dont:)
  2. I flip a coin at 10 am and if it land's on head's I buy tail's I short the QQQ. The next step is I get on my hand's and nee's and pray to God, Santa and the Easter Bunny to reward me for my effort's. Most important rule is never take a loss. So if position's go against me I never get out until I get even. And if it still goes against me I pray harder. I hope that help's.
  3. polopo


    I cannot tell you how often I get response that goes something like this (we'll call the reader Joe): "I bought 1,000 shares of XYZ stock at 100. It's now 50. Should I hang in there?"

    Now, what's most frustrating about that question is that it is based almost totally on emotion. It's as if Joe thinks XYZ not only has a memory of where he went long, but some sort of "reversion device" that will bring XYZ back to the 100 level!

    Therefore, let's take the emotion out of it and dig a little deeper. Starting with $100,000 and now left with $50,000, Joe is down 50% on his original investment in XYZ. Now, this is most important: The money he lost is not coming back. It is gone. It is vaporized. It is no more.

    With that mindset, let's start fresh. Let's assume Joe's goal is to get back the $50,000 he just lost. Straightforward enough, right? It seems to be, but this is where Joe gets bogged down: He can continue to keep his money in XYZ or he can put it in any other stock in the universe. It's the latter that Joe always forgets.

    and always remember EVERY CHANGE IS A NEW TRADE!

    understood :eek:
  4. Seanote

    Seanote Guest

    I think everyone should follow my strategy which has proven profitbale in any market. I like to buy low and sell high. It works everytime. Please keep this post to yourself. Thank you.
  5. Joe should of invested in a good fund with a manager who has a long solid track record. Second Joe should forget about the loss and find a good money manager, then listen to what the manager has to say and follow it. The market takes more money then it give's it's no place to test the waters, if you do a shark might just jump out and eat Joe.
  6. polopo


    bow down to u'r meneger will no help.In the mutual fund business, however, managers change all of the time. But funds are marketed by name, not manager, because the mutual funds don't recognize this manager distinction. Of course, in the world of the rich, this would be ridiculous. You could never get away with this. I can't imagine Jeff and I leaving Cramer Berkowitz and our investors not getting any real notice about the shift. For some totally bogus reason, track records in the mutual fund industry belong to the name of the fund, but track records in the hedge fund industry belong to the manager!

  7. I guess a CD or money market is the next best thing. A 4% gain is a bargain next to a 50% loss.
  8. polopo


    i have a little surprise for u maite .....
    easter bunny isn't going to show up this year ... sorry :) My advice, then? If you're an active trader, keep a key eye on how your fills compare with your back-tested methodology. The results may surprise you.
    However, I do know one thing above all else: Unless you've been trading since, let's say 1928, you can't possibly be as good as you think you are. The reason? You haven't lived through every single kind of market condition! Sure, it's easy to set the world on fire when the market's going straight up. Heck, just get in the way of a few stocks, and you have it knocked.

    But, what about a market that drops 30% over five days (1929)? Or what about a market that doesn't make a new high for nearly seven years (early 1970s)?
  9. Magic 8 Ball System.

    It works every time.

    PS. I have no affiliation with The Magic 8 Ball company.
  10. I never traded a share of stock but I have read Investing for Dummies.
    #10     Mar 27, 2002