
Discussion in 'Stocks' started by xtrhvydty, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. I sense a major nosedive here - but what do I know - anyone else?
  2. Go 4 it. The timing looks good for this stock in the near term. The 5 year chart attached. Can't foresee any wild upside jumps based on the stock's history, so the risk seems limited. Sometimes you just gotta go with your instincts. Worked for me when I thought Loblaws was not making any sense at $70ish.
    Good Luck. Happy shorting.
  3. mraln


    I wouldn't short this stock. Of course I'm writing this after they came out with earnings...but yeah =)
  4. I got crushed by another bulge bracket this yr. Late Nov. I thought GS was way overbot at 132. Feb was not a good month for me with that margin call. Ouch.

    Tread lightly my friend! Good luck!