LEH is going under this week

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by SOESBandit94, Jul 13, 2008.

  1. I agree!!! We fought, and bled for this right. I did anyway... Again, I agree! We need people like you voting. The sad part is, we don't have attention spans lasting any longer than 30-45 seconds in 2008.:( I'm not talking about you guys at ET either. Well, not everyone...:D

    The dumbing of America is now costing us in more ways than one. People can argue when it really started, but it's here, and we have to deal with it now, paying the price now, or much, much more later.

    We're in a corner, and there's no waterboy bringing needed hope (oxygen in the water, and electorolytes), no trainer providing real guidance, and no cut man there to help stop the bleeding...
    #11     Jul 13, 2008
  2. you're still a fucking idiot. What is it you don't get about right vs. wrong. Why don't you walk into Lehman's NY headquarters and run your yap. Then, when you're face to face with people you want to destroy, then we'll see what kind of mouth you have.

    When you're standing in a soup line holding out a metal dish waiting for some two day old broth, maybe you'll get it - but I doubt it.
    #12     Jul 13, 2008
  3. Good stuff! You're included in the "musclemoney's people who should be allowed to vote" group.:)
    #13     Jul 13, 2008
  4. let's present a logical argument,

    here is my observations:

    1. those who are shorting this stock have some very deep pockets for it to move by this level. We're not talking about punting day traders here.

    2. Those who have such deep pockets won't take such a gamble with such conviction as reflected in price action - IF they didn't have a good reason too. they probably know something just as it was in the case of BSC.

    I heard alot about SAC capital when BSC was shorted and my first thoughts were of manipulation. but just imagine how risky it is to go heavily short on such bank stocks if you have no hard info of knowing something.. in the case of BSC they knew what not even most senior BSC employees could imagine.

    stock prices may be manipulated, but they don't lie all the time.

    it can be argued LEH was a much smaller player than BSC in ABS et al. in this case a bankruptcy won't be a surprise as it would pretty an efficient outcome.
    #14     Jul 13, 2008
  5. Aren't you the dude who lost a fortune on BSC? Pfft!
    #15     Jul 13, 2008
  6. Absolutely! And, bandit, how many puts do you currently own? This sounds like a "I bought a ton of puts on LEH, and am looking for confirmations, as the weekend waiting is killing me."

    Conversely, I think LEH sucks, and would rather own puts on them too.:)
    #16     Jul 13, 2008
  7. Guys, first of all I can be completely wrong like 1000 %. Nothing may happen. I was just making a Sunday call more for shits and giggles than anything. I do have some information but like anything else that can be taken for what it is worth. If it acutally happens like I am saying.....well I will be able to say at least I said it out loud before hand lol. Some people take things so seriously.
    #17     Jul 13, 2008
  8. Go back and reread. It's ok to move your lips.

    I had puts. Lucky, but I had puts.
    #18     Jul 13, 2008
  9. You bet your ass we take it seriously.

    Man, take two steps back and look around. Any EW guys out there? What's this look like. It's soup kitchen time. You actually think guys in Washington can get us out of this? It's disastorous, and it is going to threaten the very existance of our standard of living.

    Yep. It's serious as a heart attack.
    #19     Jul 13, 2008
  10. Fine. But why u picking on me. What I ever do to you?
    #20     Jul 13, 2008