Legality of Healthcare

Discussion in 'Economics' started by unretired, Mar 1, 2010.

  1. achilles28


    I'll take the word of a State Supreme Court Justice over an internet shithead, any day.

    Yea, the Federal Supreme Court is riddled with left-leaning Judicial Activists who, as you mentioned, twist and pervert the Constitution to make it say everything BUT what the Framers intended. Sotomyer a great example.

    A judge is supposed to apply the law according to the intent of the authors of that law. Reinterpretation is legal fraud. The framers were abundantly clear in the articles of confederation and federalist papers, what the 10th Amendment meant. And if you can't understand that, then just read the 10th Amendment. It's pretty damn clear.

    And if you think "progress" is Greece or Portugal, well, that speaks volumes.

    You want me to leave the Country? Go back to Russia or Europe, where you belong.
    #21     Mar 2, 2010
  2. Nice Troll jousting. I really do appreciate people who can think and reason.

    It is encouraging seeing Americans stand for what is right, true and just.
    #22     Mar 2, 2010
  3. achilles28


    Thanks. You too, brother. I can't handle it when these Big Government shills praise endless bureaucracy and regulation as the "answer", then trash the Bill of Rights. And the guy has the nerve to call that "progress".

    Can you believe that?

    The entire reason America is bankrupt and headed for the next Great Depression is because of guys like RangeBar. That idiot has no clue, NONE, what's coming down the pipeline thanks to his sophomoric, anti-free market, Marxist-Socialist policies. We are in serious, serious trouble.

    More tax, more debt, and more Government is the "Answer". What? Is this Communist Russia now?! Almost feels like it with our Pinko-Commie Banking. I guess once Ben converts the greenback into toilet paper, we'll be a defacto banana republic. But that's a good thing, too, I'm sure.
    #23     Mar 2, 2010

  4. Yeah ... certain people are betrayers at heart.
    Whining and complaining now, slurping off the teet of entitlement.
    They will hold down a drowning man to save their own lives from the same fate.
    #24     Mar 2, 2010
  5. It's the right-wing that's crying. Moderates are happy and liberals are simply try to keep pushing the envelope. I have no sense of entitlement and receive very limited benefits from the gov't: roads, safety, and that's about it.

    It is progressives that are trying to save the 'drowning man'. The 'drowning man' is 40% of American children living in poverty, the 60 million Americans that do not have health care insurance, military veterens who are so easily sent to war by the chickenhawks and then denied benefits when they return, and millions of old people whose meager lifetime earnings have been siphoned away by inflation.

    Right-wing conservatives are the crybabies. Greedy, selfish, racist, sexist, homophobic and xenophobic. I would suggest that you move to another country as we don't need doom & gloomers: we need solutions.
    #25     Mar 2, 2010
  6. pookie


    So, the system is broken. The system has proven they will promise you one thing and do another. The system has proven it will steal your lifetime earnings and say they are doing it for the good of the people. The system has proven they will screw you over every chance they get.

    And you want to give this system more power.
    #26     Mar 2, 2010

  7. Ok ... since you make cogent comments ... I will engage somewhat.

    I agree there are severe problems that really need addressing;
    however bigger Government is not the solution as it historically
    is proven to do a very poor job at efficient competitive quality work.

    Guidelines and careful controls and incentives are one thing.
    Invasive Government that fails what it manages is not the solution;
    but a recipe for failure.

    One must look at underlying motives and agendas as well.
    Some agendas of the powers that be are written down and have circulated through small segments of the citizenry.
    Even with several of those manifestos, informed citizenry can still only speculate about the greater invasive or controlling plans of big government.

    Nevertheless these plans should be carefully looked into.
    Especially when the majority of the population opposes some issue and
    the government simply chooses to do contrary to their constituency.

    Then something is very clearly wrong and either the truth is not being told to the constituency or a wrong agenda is being foisted on them.

    Many of the "issues" forced through regardless of constituency support are issues that boil down to "Money and Power" ...
    posing as some benevolent Governmental action.

    I don't have a lot of respect for the people who aren't educated enough to know these things.
    ... And that get all passionate in a cause without knowing the underlying evils and agendas ...
    but are drawn in naively by the "Ol' Benevolent Big Government" ploy.

    However ... many of these people are compassionate, desire a solution and see the problems.

    I pose that big government is super inefficient and makes problems worse that really need addressing ... but best when only by utilizing
    ... Guidelines and careful controls and incentives.

    Small motivated groups get things done ... and they do it efficiently, personally and rapidly.

    Sure ... have government shrink and provide guidelines and careful controls and
    incentives for the private sector to build up the areas of needed growth and development.
    Solving real problems and putting people to work.
    #27     Mar 2, 2010
  8. Well said.
    #28     Mar 2, 2010
  9. piezoe


    Unretired, you wrote:

    " bigger Government is not the solution as it historically
    is proven to do a very poor job at efficient competitive quality work."

    This is not, however, consistent with fact, though i grant you it is a very common misconception to believe that Government can't do anything well. In reality, the governments operations are very much a mixed bag. The Federal Government in the US does somethings extremely well and makes a mess of other things. And you could say pretty much the same of the States' governments. Perhaps instead of just longing for smaller government, which I would like but it isn't very likely to happen, we should strive for better government.

    An obvious concern is whether the US congress is becoming increasingly disfunctional. It would seem so, as the US faces several obvious problems for which good solutions are at hand, but nevertheless congress seems incapable of agreeing to any of them, let alone putting one into action.

    I would say the two most threatening problems faced by the US at present are out of control military and medical spending. In both these areas expenditures are unaffordable. A plan to introduce increased competition into medical care has been proposed by the Obama administration. This could be a first step toward breaking the medical cartel that is bankrupting the US economy. But congress can't seem to agree to go along. Then there is the problem of unbridled military expenditures and endless wars. Here the administration has been no help at all by taking cuts in the military budget off the table, and congress seems to be oddly cooperating. Neither Republicans nor Democrats, in aggregate, seem willing to cut military spending. In fact they don't even broach the subject. So here is another place where great progress could be made, but there is no help from either congress or the administration.

    I do find it ironic that many who say that government can't do anything right, and that we need smaller government, are only to happy to champion the world's largest military establishment, a totally socialist institution! We spend about four thousand dollars per capita per year on military items, but Germany, for example, spends about three hundred per capita. That's a ratio 13 to 1! In fact, iv'e heard it said, but don't know if it is true, that the US spends more on its military than all other nations combined.

    Yes, the problems we face are daunting. But there are known, multiple, good solutions to all of them -- even the problem of an unmanageable tax code! We know the answers, but we are unwilling to act.

    #29     Mar 2, 2010
  10. achilles28


    From the perspective of the average citizen, Congress can't do anything right.

    From the perspective of the average K-Street Lobbyist, Congress does everything right.

    Politicians changed their job description without telling us. They no longer do whats good for voters, or the Country.

    They do what's good for Corporate Lobbyists who finance their reelection campaigns and cushy lifestyles.

    It's third world politics. Total corruption.

    btw, I agree. Defense and Medicare should be cut in half
    #30     Mar 2, 2010