Legacy for One Billionaire: Death, but No Taxes

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OPTIONAL777, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. Ricter


    Well, if government weren't "leeches", it would be a different matter, perhaps even a non-issue, say if we lived in a time of "philosopher kings". Ironically though, the beneficiaries of big estates changing hands often end up IN government, lol. That how plutocracy works.
    #31     Jun 9, 2010
  2. The issue is just as much the government getting the millions as it is the owner of the millions having it stolen from him.

    LOL if you aren't alive you shouldn't have property rights, the whole "last will and testament" thing should just be canned huh???? LOL Once you die, the government should raid and plunder your belongings and wealth, and redistribute them as it sees fit???

    If Optional the mexican child molester was alive in the colonial days, in the genesis of our nation, he'd be the bitch of the english. He'd be sucking english cock at every opportunity. He'd be ratting out every patriot he could identify, and he'd be accusing people with which he had a personal conflict of being patriots... He would have been the biggest tory loyalist bitch ever.

    He hates the very concept of america.

    #32     Jun 9, 2010
  3. Synergy is not enforced or regulated, it's something which happens voluntarily. You will not ever achieve a state of synergy with measures that are forcefully rendered.

    Your ideas are very old, just like you. Thank god they will die with your generation. Good riddance.

    #33     Jun 9, 2010
  4. Dead people have property rights?

    I'd like to see the evidence of that...

    #34     Jun 9, 2010
  5. Lucrum


    #35     Jun 9, 2010
  6. LOL!!! +10!!!

    #36     Jun 9, 2010
  7. Is there abuse of the taxpayers in D.C.


    Do both the right and left have legitimate complaints against the bureaucracy in D.C.


    Are the people of America all clean and pure, and only D.C. corrupt?


    Do the people of America need to improve their own moral status, stop cheating, stop lying, stop loafing, etc.?


    Our government is a reflection, a microcosm of the pollution of our society.

    The people of America are to blame, the government is just a mirror to the status of the people.

    It isn't a right or a left perspective, it is an honest perspective of Americans being on the same side, having the same goal, and working together to achieve that goal collectively that produces the synergy and greatness of America.

    #37     Jun 9, 2010
  8. The dead don't own those plots, the living do.

    The living could sell the plots and headstones to someone else...not the dead.

    As usual, you have made a fool of yourself due to lack of the practice of logic...

    The dead have no property rights, no property possession...period.

    #38     Jun 9, 2010
  9. You cannot possibly be this dumb. You're comparing a country that practices monarchy to people leaving the wealth they've managed to accumulate in life to their children?

    There's just no way anyone can be that stupid, so you have got to be trolling.

    I also noticed you avoided my question about giving benefits/money to people who did not earn it in respect to the socialism redistribution of wealth that liberals follow. Shocker, that.
    #39     Jun 9, 2010
  10. " You're comparing a country that practices monarchy to people leaving the wealth they've managed to accumulate in life to their children?"

    The essential principle is the same.

    If there is virtue in making it on one's own, then there is no virtue in spoiling children by giving them wealth so that they don't have to make it on their own...

    If you are comparing helping out the poor to survive, to a billionaire bequeathing their money to their offspring so their children can live a lavish lifestyle without every having to work...you would be a fool.
    #40     Jun 9, 2010