Leftist Icon Calls For Violent Socialist War Against Tea Partiers

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bugscoe, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. Will have to go back and check the video to clarify but...

    this morning on CNBC they were showing some rioting, in France I believe, over the austerity measures and the english dude on there says something to the effect that if republicans cut spending, this is what the US faces.

    So much of talk of violence which always seems to be prefaced by, "if the tea partiers, or if the republicans..."
    #81     Nov 10, 2010
  2. #83     Nov 12, 2010
  3. :D Old enough to have been there and participated, which is why I am neither surprised or impressed with the current events. Nothing changes but the faces.
    #84     Nov 13, 2010
  4. Ricter


    How much of the tea party's prominence derives from the practiced ease with which old hippies make signs and take to the streets, I wonder.

    Edit: not an insult, just something I thought of this week. There was a notion back in the 60's, that much of the street protest was performed by students because students are more free than workers to blow off the day's responsibilities.
    #85     Nov 13, 2010