Lefties going after Jared, Trump, and the Deutchbank activities.....I am shocked.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TreeFrogTrader, May 20, 2019.

  1. Shocked? Ya right. Refer to my post below from May 18 of last year.

    It was clear that they would go there when Mueller could not do the deed. My only miscalculation was that Mueller went so totally flaccid that he did not even go there, so now congress will try their luck. Same theme, different pussies added in after Mueller failed them.

    posted may 18, 2018:

    "In any case, I will say what I have said for months. Mueller is a pussy and is unable to make the big kill in court even if he made it to prosecution. He has no interest in adding another major court defeat to his other previous blunders. He will do what a pussy does, which is to find a way out of prosecuting him (might have accomplished that already) and then dump a pile of shit onto to Congress to try to get them to impeach him. Then he will try to kneecap Jared for failing to disclose some deutch bank loan or something, just to hurt a member of Trump's family and because he can't get Trump. Its the way these pussies roll when get down to the wire and they have used up all their scary stuff by kicking down doors etc."