Lease or Buy?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by MandelbrotSet, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. In my view, it's hardly worth thinking about.

    Hardware is cheap these days. I picked up a few Compaq boxes about 6 months ago from Fry's. Like $350 each. 3GB memory, 250GB disk space, Windows Vista and all. The processor was not top of the line like dual-core or quad-core or something like that. But for my purpose of running the TradeStation platform, drawing 20 charts or so on 6 monitors, it has enough CPU power to spare (unlike my old one).

    So what's $300-$400 compared to your trading profit. (Just one trade) Almost negligible. After a few years, just ditch it and buy a newer one. If a box is only $300-$400, how much interest (and the leasing company's profit) you want to pay?
    #11     Mar 11, 2009