Learning to day trade, while in university?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by Kastro_316, May 15, 2004.

  1. Htrader

    Htrader Guest

    I started trading sophomore year in college and am doing it full time now after graduation. I probably spent about 3-4 hours trading everyday and still had plenty of time left over for having fun and hanging out with friends.

    I don't know what your college environment is like but depending on what you major in college in the US can be a cakewalk.

    Open an account and start trading. You will find out soon enough if you are a natural trader. If you can make serious cash then trading is for you. Otherwise let it go and pursue a real career.
    #11     May 20, 2004
  2. I am a 3rd year student at university of toronto.
    Traded last year, didn't make money, quit.
    Starting again very soon bcuz I know a lot more now.
    God knows if I'll make money or close up the broker account again.
    #12     May 20, 2004