Learn from the fall of Rome, US warned

Discussion in 'Politics' started by DHS, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. djxput


    Commenting on a few things ...

    First off I see a big problem with all the illegal immegrants coming into the US. We dont want the US turning into mexico. Poor healthcare, a huge amount of corruption and crime. You know the murder and kidnap statistics in mexico city? ... its scary.

    I agree with the OP and his article ...

    The US is too cocky; we still think we are #1 with so many things. So many nations are mistrustful of the US and its policies. A report came out the other day that we are rated what was it 43rd on the longevity factor. Thats 43rd. With supposedly the best healthcare in the world.

    Imagine if all the money that is being spent in iraq was instead used for the US and its economy ...

    Then you throw into the mix 20 million illegal immigrants.

    We need a president thats going to step up the ball and help america. Not be docile when it comes to the 20 million illegals or to have to make a tough decision about pulling out of iraq.

    Time to focus on the US.

    Oh and for all those that thinks its good we are in iraq ...
    Tell me again what are the reasons we are there?
    - To fight terrorism ... oh ya sadam opposed al-Qaeda
    - Weapons of mass-destruction (remember this???)
    - The people want us there?
    -Oil ... are we even getting enough oil to even put a dent in what we are spending on this war?
    - Stay the course ... ahh reminds me of one of my first trades as a newb. I 'stayed' the course with the stock just because it did so well before.
    #11     Aug 14, 2007
  2. Am I the only person who sees this report from the head of the GAO as a ridiculous exercise in megalomania? I mean, who does this guy think he is? Last time I checked, the GAO was tasked with running errands for congress, not formulating major fiscal policies for the US. This report is a joke, and the guy who wrote it should be fired immediately.
    #12     Aug 14, 2007
  3. I am a dual citizen and so is my wife....my daughter can get an EU passport on a day's notice, do I have a leg up on most of you.
    The USA is on the wrong path, mainly because of these reactionary industrialist who would protect their interest and turf in the world even if it costs the USA decades of debt and misery.
    The reactionary forces of the industrial and military complex and namely from the energy sector are clinging on straws for several trends that are inevitable.
    1) USA dollar will not be the reserve currency for the next 100 years, FACT!
    2) Military might do now count for too much when China, which happens to be a communist country has us by the scrotum and we own them like a two bit crack whore.
    3) Education of the average US public school kid is among the worst in the world (at least in the industrial world, Japan, China, EU) and this is not good for an "Empire". In fact this is one reason the Industrialist decided to shit all over the American public. They prefer an illiterate Mexican to a semi illiterate but arrogant and stupid American with expectations.

    #13     Aug 14, 2007
  4. There are FDA acceptable levels of lead for candy, no need to eat your toys.

    Lead candy lingers
    May 12, 2007 : Tainted Mexican treats turn up at a California distributor despite promises by manufacturers.

    Mexican candy makers will get the lead out
    June 29, 2006: After two years of wrangling, they settle with California, agreeing to annual audits, testing and paying legal fees.


    Regulators have found unsafe lead levels in 112 brands of candy – most made in Mexico – but test results almost always are kept from parents and health officials

    #14     Aug 14, 2007
  5. maxpi


    The guys that are going to cash in on the oil are also lenders to the US govt. They make money on the loans, they make money on the oil, the taxpayers get yet a bigger burden and come more under govt. control and dependency.. it all works for them.
    #15     Aug 14, 2007
  6. He's the Comptroller General and director of the Government Accountability Office.

    <i>A comptroller or controller is a person who supervises cash flow in an organization.</i>

    <i>This Act required the head of GAO to "investigate, at the seat of government or elsewhere, all matters relating to the receipt, disbursement, and application of public funds, and shall make to the President...and to Congress...reports (and) recommendations looking to greater economy or efficiency in public expenditures" [...] The agency exists to support the Congress in meeting its Constitutional responsibilities and to help improve the performance and ensure the accountability of the federal government for the benefit of the American people.</i>

    If it's not his job to raise questions about the long term sustainability of US fiscal policy, whose job exactly would it be?

    A joke because it is wrong, or a joke because it is right?

    AAA you are too smart for this. You are falling into the role of a loyal Bushie, shooting the messenger because the message is devastatingly critical yet factually unassailable. Leave policy through character assassination to Karl Rove.

    Fortunately you and your ilk can't fire the Comptroller General. The position is one of the most independent in the Federal government, appointed for a 15 year term and only impeachable by the full Congress. And strangely, in a Federal government that has been politicized and cronified to an unprecedented degree, nobody else seems to notice that Bush's tax cuts and deficit spending are digging a fiscal hole that threatens the future solvency of our nation.

    #16     Aug 14, 2007
  7. You don't understand his responsibilities, but because you think it is anti-Bush, you are thrilled by it. He is non-partisan, and the things he criticized, such as unsustainable entitlement spending, are staples of Democrat policy. Actually, I pretty much agree with most of what he wrote, but we have an elected government to make those decisions.
    #17     Aug 14, 2007
  8. Nice job of backpedalling, AAA. Good to see you agree with me and disagree with your own post! :)

    For my part, I agree that entitlement spending is a big part of the problem and it'll be a tough getting Democrats to bring entitlement programs into solvency. But they can hardly be worse than Mr. Bush and a Republican Congress. From 2000 to 2006, the <i>present value</i> of US government liabilities increased from $20T to $50T, mostly due to tax cuts and expansion of Medicare entitlements under Republican rule.

    Democrats are "tax and spend." Today's Republicans are "don't tax and spend even more." So, while Mr. Walker's office is non-partisan, it's a hell of a stretch to blame the Democrats for the problems he's talking about.

    (If I wanted to be excessively fair, I'd admit that part of the problem is not just the Republicans themselves, but the fact that any government where the same party controls the legislative and executive branches tends to result in out-of-control spending.)


    page 5
    #18     Aug 15, 2007
  9. Rome?

    It wasnt built in a day, and didnt fall in a day. The only reason it stayed affloat so long, was robbery-empire building, to get much needed resources.
    They ran out of gold, to pay troops.......devalued the currency.....they had to keep invading countries, to provide legionaires land grants.....

    Rome existed as a powerfull force, if not the penultimate force for some 500 years after the golden era of the "good emporors', and after that, they just changed their name really.
    Even after rome was sacked by the visigoths, it was rebuilt-even after attilla the hun was bought off by the emporor , rome continued.

    The very idea, that rome declined due to its citizens "lacking morals" is truly freaking absurd, when you look at some of the laws brought in by various nutcase emporors, let alone the fact the seat of constantinople became the base for a "restored" roman empire....with a new gold standard.........and it was sacked and destroyed by christian crusaders.
    #19     Aug 15, 2007
  10. no, actually we don't. this president was selected by a court
    #20     Aug 15, 2007