Lazy Afternoon Trading -

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Neil, Apr 25, 2002.

  1. Neil


    I like the graphics candle.. very funny.. lol Says it all... less haste more speed...

    I find it so myself yes.. as I don't like following trends it suits me better to go for the reversal of direction and there are definitely plenty of those later in the day. The market at the moment may be particulary suitable for this but then I have never traded in those major trending periods.. the golden age of which many traders speak in hushed tones.. a legend from the dim misty past.. will those days ever return? Who cares.. I prefer a nice game of ping pong myself.. back and forth.. up and down for ever as far as I am concerned will do nicely..

    #11     Apr 26, 2002
  2. Neil


    That damn bunny has to go... in the pot with the fecker..

    Now I only fire up my systems from 12.30 ET.. I keep an eye on the days progress on cnbc or bloomberg tho.. I am restoring an ancient relic of a farmhouse in the west of ireland so am my own boss and proceed at my own pace.. which has been bloody slow I have to admit since discovering the joys of trading!

    The pressure is low tho for me.. (altho that does not mean it makes it easy to lose or I am nonchalant when I win.. :) ) as I do not need to yet make a living from trading.. thank guiness! My sweet wife is bringing home the bacon at the moment while I flail around at this and we dream of moving to monaco (tax free haven) and the sun drenched south of france.. you gotta spend some time on the west coast of ireland to understand that particular holy grail..

    I like trading the afternoons only.. I know that the mornings are far more exciting and much more rewarding.. potentially.. but this time is definitely less hectic and gives me a chance as previously stated to consider the day's progress and feel.. for what that is worth..

    #12     Apr 26, 2002
  3. Ikspec


    Afternoons are great, it's a lot easier, at least for me, to get a clear direction of the market in the afternoon than it is in the usually frantic open.

    I initiate about 95% of my trades in the afternoon. Interestingly, I close about 95% of them in the morning.

    #13     Apr 26, 2002
  4. Prefer candlecharts first and last hour or two. :)

    Work home improvement business ''by appointment only.'' Swing trade and day trade;not fast enough for scalp.
    #14     Apr 26, 2002
  5. Neil


    I let the odd trade run through to the next day too.. still scares me a bit tho but has mostly worked out ok. Is that with nyse or nastydaq stocks? I am using deal4free at the moment and their stops seem to hold really well for me if I get stopped on a gap the next day..

    #15     Apr 27, 2002
  6. Banjo


    Candle will trade you the running bunny for the #'s of any gorgeous asian girls living near him.
    #16     Apr 27, 2002
  7. Ikspec


    Both NYSE and Nasdaq, I'll take a trade on either market if it fits my criteria. Generally, however, most of my trades tend to be on the Nasdaq.

    And yep it can be scary, I'm comfortable with that risk though. Holding over night fits my methodology as a swing trader and I just had to accept that that gap risk is inherent in holding over night and there's nothing I can do about it so why fret over it?

    I've also noticed, more likely than not, that the gaps tend to be a favorable thing because of the nature of some of the setups I play. One of my setups tends to gap quite often the next day, and in a favorable direction.

    #17     Apr 28, 2002
  8. I odnt know what type of trades you folks do...but I dont think I made 5 trades total in last 6 months after 10:30 AM. 99.9999% of all my trades (and money) are made first 60 minutes of the open. I only trade listed stocks if that makes any difference. For the life of me, I can not seem to come up with any profitable trading ideas after the morning action is over. What do you look for????
    #18     Apr 28, 2002
  9. Neil


    I guess it all depends on how you trade.. the market moves = money can be made.. it ain't exactly flat all day after 10.00am! Thats not to say its easy.. far from it for me.. I do feel I am getting somewhere however and my personal experience is that while some of my best gains have come from early trades.. so have some of my worst losses..

    It just seems a touch more predictable to me.. and if the rewards are less then so are the risks.. less frantic and chaotic.. I look for reversals of intra day trends.. no shortage of those in the afternoons, its just a question of picking the ones that work!

    #19     Apr 28, 2002
  10. Like to trade NASDAQ+NYSE

    Like to profit trade,day trade NASDAQ ,around these downtrends ,a.m.mostly.

    Strong stock,strong sector,like TSA, in April,afrernoon entry. That is swing trade.:) ;with candlecharts.
    #20     Apr 30, 2002