Latest Gallup Poll, Romney leads Obama by 2, Perry is tied with Obama.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Aug 23, 2011.

  1. achilles28


    The Press has done everything they can to delegitimize Ron, and he's polling a statistical dead-heat with the top-tier. That speaks volumes.

    If the media gave Paul the same attention and fanfare they gave Romney, Perry and Bachmann, he'd enjoy a substantial lead in the polls. Ron Paul is the front-runner.
    #11     Aug 23, 2011
  2. Lucrum


    I haven't decided for sure who I'll support in the primary but if it were held today (super Tuesday in my state) I would vote Paul.
    I don't like everything about him but I think we do need many of the kind of serious changes I think he would push for. And for those who think he's too over the top remember he still has to deal with those idiot crooks in Congress.
    #12     Aug 23, 2011
  3. achilles28


    I wish Paul held a tougher line on immigration (build a fence) and off-shoring (erect tariffs). But he is far-and-away the superior choice. Only the free-market and liberty can dig America out of this mess of corruption and handouts. Paul will restore the Constitution, gut the Federal Government and end the wars. A Paul nomination would imply a voter sea change across the country. The Senate and Congress would increasingly lean towards the Tea Party. A lot of his reforms could pass.
    #13     Aug 23, 2011
  4. Max E.

    Max E.

    Most polls have him single digits in the primaries, with Perry, and Romney in the mid 20's and Bachmann in the teens. Unless all these polling places are lying, he cant win the primary.

    The problem is that if he doesnt poll atleast somehwhat close to Perry, and Romney before the primary election, people just jump ship and vote for the guy they like more who has a chance at winning. If you were to put him 1 on 1 against Obama he would school Obama, but he has to make it there first.

    #14     Aug 23, 2011
  5. achilles28


    All true. That's the sticking point. But his trajectory is up and accelerating. Wait until Rick Perry opens his mouth at a debate. The front-runners campaign on glitz and smooth-talk. They've got no substance. Paul's strengths are his record and platform. Also keep in mind, the economic crisis in Europe and America will continue into 2012. This will only underscore Pauls credibility.
    #15     Aug 23, 2011
  6. The retardicans might as well say "A fat lady is leading by 69", in some fabricated polls.
    #16     Aug 23, 2011
  7. 377OHMS


    Look, you know that when the least intelligent and most unstable people on ET (achilles28 for instance) are wildly advocating for someone for President with their posts full of capital letters and exclamation points littered about like stale popcorn in a movie theater the person they are advocating for is likely totally unfit for service as leader of our country.

    I know that some people I respect like Ron Paul. They should look around at the nutcases that are absolutely foaming and frothing at the prospect of a Ron Paul candidacy and ask themselves why that would be the case. Could it be that the most militant and least reasonable of those on the far left fringes would like to see Ron Paul lose the election to their schvartza-in-chief? That is the most obvious reason and the simplest.

    They don't want Paul for President. They want Paul running against Obama. Those people want to see Barrack Obama reelected and the thought of another Texas governor getting into the Whitehouse is probably giving a few of them ideas about running their car in the garage with the door closed. :)
    #17     Aug 23, 2011
  8. achilles28


    Still licking your wounds from the ass whipping I gave you, eh Homo?

    Rick Perry is another Big Government, Big Spending, Neocon who'll put the final nail in the Dollars coffin, if elected. I'm not surprised that a self-proclaimed "genius" like you - who neither trades nor invests for a living - supports him. When it comes to economics and finance, you're on par with Forest Gump, which explains why you hangout in the P&R forum all day. But tell us more about Rick Perry. He sounds like a real "change" candidate... :D
    #18     Aug 23, 2011
  9. I heard Paul advocate replacing the income tax with import and export duties, the way they did it in the days before the voters foolishly approved amending the Constitution to allow the income tax.

    I think we should all be able to agree that "free" trade has been an absolute disaster for the working people of this country. As the world's biggest market, we should be dictating trade terms to other countries, one by one. Instead, we gave away our sovereignty to a bunch of euro-socialists under the banner of the WTO.

    Look at the way the chinese do it. Our own companies like GE can't sell us out fast enough to be allowed access to their market. They hand over valuable intellectual property, often developed with government grants. It borders on treason, but the elites snicker at that concept.
    #19     Aug 23, 2011
  10. Max E.

    Max E.

    I wont ever understand why certain conservatives dont want to see him elected. He is basically perfect on every single fiscal issue, no more wasting money on wars, lower taxes, drastically smaller government.

    The only reason i could see a conservative not liking him was if they were very conservative socially, as Ron Paul advocates the government getting out of alot of social issues as well, which is another area i support him on.

    Anyways to each his own i guess.

    #20     Aug 23, 2011