latest beheading :-/

Discussion in 'Politics' started by THE MAN, May 11, 2004.

  1. This forum has been replete with such examples the last several weeks. Just go through the myriad inane threads comparing Pat Tillman to the terrorists or those suggesting we'd "get what we deserve" if victimized by another 9/11-type attack and you'll see what I mean. We wallow here in a veritable morass of cowards, cranks and crackpots. Too bad I'm unable to stay away.
    #21     May 11, 2004
  2. Why do you think a Liberal would defend this?

    Oh, I get it, your statement is supposed to put the Liberal in the same boat as the terrorist.

    Typical right wing political speech: exploit any tragedy to promote the conservative agenda of liberal bashing. You guys thrive on this type of butchering.
    #22     May 11, 2004
  3. I believe Capital punishment advocates would bring back beheading in this country if given half a chance....and would have no problem with making it a for profit capitalistic event. Pay per view comes to mind.

    Just how did people expect the savages in Iraq to respond to the rational actions of the prison camp leaders?

    I heard Sean Hannity on the radio, saying that US treatment of the Iraqi prisoners was simply a mistake, and the exercise of bad judgment.

    However, if Americans were treated in the exact same manner by the Iraqis, it would be actions of evil according to Hannity.

    I guess when good Christians are inhumane it is stupidity and a mistake, but when good Muslims are inhumane it is the action of evil.

    Good thing this is not a holy war, or a war of cultures. If that happened things could become very ugly.
    #23     May 11, 2004
  4. Pabst


    Oh chill out. If you don't think this constant Tillman is no better than Osama type shit isn't inane than you're insane.
    #24     May 11, 2004
  5. THE MAN


    oh man... i just watched the video. probably the worst thing i've ever seen in my life. i'm shocked, sad, and pissed off
    #25     May 11, 2004
  6. Cutten


    Whilst some lefties go over the top in their criticisms, somehow I doubt they clap their hands with glee when an innocent civilian gets his head sawn off.
    #26     May 11, 2004
  7. THE MAN


    i'm thinking of how my family would take it if that was me. if my mother watched me die like that, i don't think she could live on. that man's family must be absolutely devastated.:(
    #27     May 11, 2004
  8. THE MAN


    while the video is not pleasant, and the man and his family should be respected, HOW CAN AMERICA UNDERSTAND WHAT WE ARE UP AGAINST WHEN THE NEWS IS CENSORED?! i guess it's gonna take more 9/11s or a nuke going off since we constantly have the wool pulled over our eyes.

    btw, hiding the coffins of american soldiers is bs, too. america should know our guys lives are on the line over there. obviously we know this, but hiding the deaths is total bullshit, imo.
    #28     May 11, 2004
  9. Maverick74


    Some quotes from the various articles.

    "For the mothers and wives of American soldiers, we tell you that we offered the U.S. administration to exchange this hostage with some of the detainees in Abu Ghraib and they refused.''

    "So we tell you that the dignity of the Muslim men and women in Abu Ghraib and others is not redeemed except by blood and souls. You will not receive anything from us but coffins after coffins ... slaughtered in this way.''

    "The video bore the title 'Abu Musab al-Zarqawi shown slaughtering an American.' It was unclear whether al-Zarqawi - a lieutenant of Osama bin Laden - was shown in the video, or was claiming responsibility for ordering the execution. "

    "In the video, the speaker threatened both President Bush and Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf.

    As for you Bush ... expect severe days. You and your soldiers will regret the day you stepped into the land of Iraq,'' he said. He described Musharraf as a traitor agent.''

    "Suzanne Berg, the mother of the 26-year-old Berg, of West Chester, Pa., said her son was in Iraq as an independent businessman to help rebuild communication antennas. He had been missing since April 9, she said."

    "He had this idea that he could help rebuild the infrastructure,'' she said."

    "Berg was a small-business owner who went to Iraq as an independent businessman to help rebuild communication antennas, his family said Tuesday. Friends and family said he was a "free spirit" who wanted to help others - working in Ghana, in one example - and that his going to Iraq fit with that ideology."

    "Berg attended Cornell, Drexel, the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Oklahoma, where he got involved in rigging electronics equipment while working for the maintenance department, his father said. He helped set up equipment at the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia in 2000.

    While at Cornell, he traveled to Ghana to teach villagers how to make bricks out of minimal material. His father said Berg returned from Ghana emaciated because he gave away most of his food and that the only possessions he had when he returned were the clothes on his back.

    Michael Berg said his son saw his trip to Iraq as an adventure that also fit with his desire to help others."

    "I would say he was a free spirit, very intelligent," said Nick Fillioe, a sports director at the West Chester YMCA. "He was a real smart guy. He knew a little bit about everything."
    #29     May 11, 2004

  10. Unfortunately it's true dgab. I'm sure if I scoured the net I'd quickly find some lefty defending it. Not directly, as in "it's okay" that this guys was beheaded, and perhaps not even in a "it's just as bad as what we do" way either (although no doubt there would be some of those). Rather, you get some dickheads that just can't bring themselves to call a spade a spade and admit that this kind of thing is absolutely inexcusable no matter what; they'll be there trying to put this "into context". You know, "explaining" (to us dumbfuck conservatives) to us the background and the cultural influences and this and that and the other ad nauseam all in an effort to lessen the impact of this primitive brutality.

    (I mean, just look at the shit they pull with the Koran and the Hadith. Plain english (arabic) descriptions of and prescriptions for violence and brutality and yet these same liberal turkeys turn up and claim oh no no no, it's all a big misunderstanding, even thought that's what it says it's not what it really says. Yeah, uh huh.)
    #30     May 11, 2004