About a year ago I spoke with this firm in Chicago(30 S. Wacker Drive) CME Building...They were offering desk space to e-mini futures traders since many of their stock traders were blown out of the market in 2000...Was wondering if these guys are still around or if their e-mini traders left as well...Have not seen their website in awhile and it appears that they are no longer listed either...
On a web search the URL http://www.lasalletrading.com/ is mentioned on several sites. The web site appears to be inop. It is possible that Lasalle Trading may have changed Domain names or have been bought/merged with another firm. You may want to check the phone directory in the Chicago area or call the CME/CBOT and see if they are members. If you are looking for a electronic futures broker in the Chicago area, you may want to visit ZAP futures at www.zapfutures.com/ They are now part of REFCO and they may have space to trade in house, give them a call. Gene Weissman Lieber & Weissman Sec., L.L.C. gweissman@stocktrade.net
thanks for the replies, but mainly I asked about this firm more out of curiosity than looking for another place to call my office...Was curious to see if they could maintain a professional shop dedicated almost exclusively to e-mini traders...When I talked with them a year ago they had about a dozen e-mini traders who were using either TT, Pats, GL Trade...