Larry Williams arrested in Sydney for tax evasion

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by tomhaden, May 22, 2006.

  1. omfg, makin' a killin' in da mkt and strugglin' to raise half the bail...ROOOOOR
    #141     May 29, 2006
  2. There isn't a single thing in that post that I don't agree with. But this is ET, we cannot have common sense here now can we? :cool:
    #142     May 29, 2006
  3. Chriz


    My calculation of his income per seminar was based on this thread.

    Ive also read somewhere else that the MDC seminars were around 5 grand and had about 100 attendees.

    How many traders here on ET make a similar amount out of the markets in two days? Maybe a few, but not guaranteed and risk free.

    Very bad example. Christian Baha sucks as a trader and his funds dont perform well lately. But he is making good money with fees and such.
    #143     May 30, 2006
  4. KRSNA


    Tom Peters said way back in the 80's that trading knowledge would become a huge global business. Larry trades his knowledge contracts to the neverending stream of buyers who take the other side. He just neglected to pay the exchange giving a slice to Uncle Sam.
    #144     May 30, 2006
  5. We are talking about one of the toptraders in the world, don't compare him with us, but with succesful traders. He will lose against toptraders.

    No, a VERY GOOD example. If a louzy trader, or you can even call him a loser, makes that amount of money, how can a good trader than be beaten by Larry Williams?
    You provided me an excellent confirmation for my posting.

    Giving seminars appears no to be riskfree either. :D
    #145     May 30, 2006
  6. Bsulli


    #146     May 30, 2006
  7. On paper the burden of proof should always be on the accuser however we all know how the world works! Snatching Larry down under is not a good sign and no matter how you slice it he is in DEEP SHIT. I wonder if he made some anti Bush comments to the aussies or he is maybe against our glorious and not so victorious war in Iraq......
    #147     May 31, 2006
  8. Chriz


    I doubt that. Larry is 100% republican. When he lost most of his money back in 1982 Ronald Reagan helped him to get into politics as a senator of Williams home state montana.
    #148     May 31, 2006
  9. Or, and here's a thought, maybe he just evaded paying his taxes.

    What would be interesting is if the authorities saw fit to do a thorough and complete forensic accounting of all his business dealings going back to the time he won his much touted trading contest. I imagine that if any criminal activity at all has been suspected, as appears to be the case by virtue of the allegations of fraud, then any otherwise relevant statute of limitations might not be binding, as suggested by other posters earlier in this thread. I would be most curious to know what might crawl out from under that rock.
    #149     May 31, 2006
  10. Love this headline.

    LARRY Williams, the international share trader wanted in the US for tax evasion, will carry on with his Sydney get-rich-quick seminars despite struggling to raise his $1million bail this week.
    #150     May 31, 2006