Larry Williams arrested in Sydney for tax evasion

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by tomhaden, May 22, 2006.

  1. That page isn't on my website. I don't have a public site. What happened to your marketsurfer site? Couldn't keep up the payments from selling stuff on the net?

    Can't debunk what I do so you'll slander it. Crawl back into your hole liar. You said you would stand by Hombre's evaluation of my class and you haven't held to your word. The only issue is you can't figure out what I do so in a state of shear confusion you bring in the dog and pony show.

    Challenge? You think trading is inane. Go sell some more copyrighted material. In my opinion you are a typical thief who couldn't run a fund if it had to be performance based because you would go broke along with your clients after a few months if you actually have to make money for them instead of churnings accounts. Go run and play with Vic. Mindless hack.
    #121     May 28, 2006
  2. you may actually have a decent trading method, mr. bill.

    i never disputed this.

    however, your method is not as successful as you present. this is the issue i have with your marketing material. making claims, such as you do, hurts your credibility. may i suggest rethinking your approach?

    despite your vitriol,diversion and subterfuge--- i wish you success in the future.

    #122     May 28, 2006
  3. My only claim is to have found a consistent and accurate method of reading the trend of any market in real time. Using the same method, to also have discovered the extreme oscillations inside those trends to safely take trades. I Never said it was anything else. Everyone else, including you said it was.
    #123     May 28, 2006

  4. if this is the case, perhaps your method deserves further study and objective forward testing. please provide the parameters of same--- blackbox format is workable if this is proprietary material.

    observation in seminar format does not fit the parameters of proper testing/evaluation

    thank you,

    #124     May 28, 2006
  5. slacker


    Marketsurfer, so how is intrendx doing? I did not see the performance reported as you posted last year...
    Good luck
    #125     May 28, 2006

  6. its doing nicely, thank you for asking. as advised, some growing pains were experienced-- we suffered a drawdown due to several less than ideal trades last month, but have recovered and are profitable so far on the year.


    #126     May 28, 2006
  7. slacker


    Glad it is doing nicely, I would expect nothing less. You said you were going to post the performance last year. Is that still your plan?

    Thank you
    #127     May 28, 2006

  8. yes, ofcourse, once we get enough of a performance record/capital to report properly.

    #128     May 28, 2006
  9. Offered once and you refused.
    #129     May 28, 2006
  10. Banjo


    It is entierly possible that his arrest was effected now for some timely reason, i.e, some window was closing for charges of a particular nature. You would need to have very specific info re: the case to know the answer to that. My comments on this thread have nothing to do with LW, just awareness of IRS actions. I wouldn't know LW or his literature from Mr. Ed the talking horse and his droppings. :D

    edit: the Virgin Island business I was unaware of, his living there and the tax implications. Definitely another can of worms, be interesting to see what comes of it if that is the violation. There are a few working up a sweat no doubt.
    #130     May 28, 2006