Large US Federal deficit might be almost irreversible

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Daal, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. Mav88


    As far as entitlements being such a large part of GDP, I question the pie chart in the article as previously mentioned, it does not take into account technology. Is it out of the question that you walk into a scanner and the computer tells you whats wrong with you? We have that now I have heard, its ridiculously expensive, like $20k. But for example, my flat screens cost me $1600 apiece in 2004, they are $85 now on Dell Outpost.

    Dreaming, but that's ok. The US is a nation where soon 1 in 2 people will be sucking off the government tit, and their medical bills will blow us away. Prescriptions alone would kill us. We are old, sick, fat, relatively uneducated and growing more dependent.

    The death spiral is here. Consider that the democrats at this moment are actually trying to expand entitlements. Only another more powerful conservative revolution a la 1994 can save us.
    #11     Aug 29, 2009
  2. Large US Federal deficit might be almost irreversible

    This Administration has placed an unpayable amount of debt on every generation to come until America no longer exists.
    #12     Aug 29, 2009
  3. I have a different notion. Future generations will NOT be saddled with our debts. However there will likely be a "financial reset and revolution" which supplants our current 2-party form of government abuse and theft... and which wipes out nearly all current wealth.

    Young people who have little or nothing now will still have nothing after the reset. (Of course, they'll have virtually no real opportunities in life, either.)
    #13     Aug 29, 2009
  4. Your attempt at posting falsehoods is laughable.

    Most of current spending ( except for the cash for Clunkers program ) was already inked in by Bush a month before he exited office and passed onto Obama. The Trillions Obama gave to Wall street was money Bush and his Republican buddies in DC had already signed into law. Also Obama reconciled all the Bush war spending which Bush had been billing the nation separately.

    Not that I like Obama. Instead of palling around with the unamerican republicans, Obama should have pulled out of both wars entirely and outed Cheney to be the traitor he really is.

    #14     Aug 29, 2009
  5. All of our politicians hurt us every second of every day, no matter their party affiliation.
    Laying blame at the feet of one man or party is futile.
    #15     Aug 29, 2009
  6. maxpi


    Probably nothing can save us and we will cycle into the next phase of the "Total Onslaught" [that's the title of some great videos].. the politicians have sold us out for decades and there is not much that can be done about it.. minor details...
    #16     Aug 29, 2009
  7. bro59


    Your first post reads like you place the blame squarely on "this Administration."

    Clearly no other Administration has ever placed a burden on future generations.

    If Americans can never look past this political duopoly in which the either/or blame thing plays out endlessly then the country is doomed to just loop this shit over and over. I can tell you one thing for sure....future generations are gonna default.
    #17     Sep 3, 2009
  8. We're broke. Busted. In debt. And you wanna argue about what I've posted, and make a smart-assed remark too!

    Our postings on a silly financial chat board won't make a diff.
    But your second point certainly has merit. I think we'll continue on this endless loop until there's a true RESET forced upon us via hard facts, not by our own hands.
    #18     Sep 3, 2009
    #19     Sep 3, 2009
  10. the1


    I don't think you guys have actually thought this thru. Since when does a government check bounce? A government check doesn't represent actual money. It's just a credit(s) system. When the old folks get their Social Security their accounts don't actually increase by 1000 dollars and the government's account doesn't decrease by 1000 dollars. All that happens is a credit to the retired guys account and a debit to the governments account. This can continue until one of two things happens. Inflation goes so high that spending power of the consumer is wiped out or the world loses faith in a government's currency.

    Assuming neither of those two events occur the government has unlimited check writing ability, which is nothing more than moving a number from one column of the spreadsheet to the other, and doing the exact opposite in your bank account. The US Monetary system is nothing more than debits and credits and no more complicated than Microsoft Excel.

    If a country is in debt in its <b>own</b> currency there is no risk of insolvency because the government can always create more money (debits and credits). If a country acquires debt that is denominated in another country's currency then there is a big problem because they can't create another country's currency, at least not legally. The chinese own what? Dollars. If the US wanted to erase that debt all they have to do is take $1T from one column and move it to another. Presto!
    #20     Sep 3, 2009