Large dark pool prints

Discussion in 'Trading' started by 777, Nov 28, 2016.

  1. 777


    Is there a way to follow dark pool prints in a timely manner and know if they were buys or sells?
  3. Sig


    Every securities transaction requires a seller who sells to a buyer. What do you mean by "if they were buys or sells"?
  4. You can see how much of the daily volume was dark pool buy/sell on this site:

    I canceled all my other subscriptions and just use this now.

    Anyone who claims to know if a big print DURING the day is buy/sell motivated is a fraud I think... I've tried that before and it doesn't work. Maybe its possible but I don't know. The end of day stuff is real...It works.
  5. 777


    "Anyone who claims to know if a big print DURING the day is buy/sell motivated is a fraud I think..."

    Does anyone disagree with this?
  6. Sig


    How can you disagree with the concept that every transaction consists of a willing buyer and seller!
  7. To be fair... most trades are trades with market makers and markert makers are not exactly buyers or sellers. So most trades - while they do have willing buyers and sellers- are not simply two people agreeing that they want to trade at a given price due to opposing information.

    I think this is what 777 is getting at. We want to know when a buyer is buying because of a conviction about future price...
    777 likes this.
  8. Sig


    If it's a big enough trade to make a difference to anything than its not just a market maker going about their business. A market maker who takes on a big one sided position would only do so if they had a conviction about something, and they probably know the market better than their counterparty. In any event, markets are by design anonymous and dark pools even more so, how could you possibly expect to know which side the market maker was on?
  9. broker-dealers will take client orders (big ones) onto their own books or givre them to a liquidity provider of some kind (this is a trade) in order to split them up and move them to the market... would you not call this makoing a market? It involves really big significant orders.
    a conviction that they can eventually neutralize their position, yes
    don't know, but people do it.
  10. 777


    Does anyone have knowledge about

    They claim to have their own handle on dark pool activity and order flow

    They use what they call accumulator and delineated information

    I am skeptical but like listen and learn
    #10     Dec 5, 2016