Does anyone have any insight into why my laptop TFT is flickering? It seems to be a hardware problem, as it isn't affected by changing hardware settings. Sometimes it flickers constantly, sometimes not at all. Thanks
Are you running the laptop at it's "native resolution?" Have you got the correct drivers for its card? Have you upgraded the OS recently? Have you tried a different battery? Have you tried to use it with just the battery, or just the wall powersource without the battery? If the answer to all the above is as it should be, then Is it a new machine with a warrantee? nitro
it is very likely the back-light that is going. Depending on manufacturer this can be fairly cheap to fix. LCD should not "flicker" since they don't have any of the usual scan problems CRTs have (no 75 Hz vs 60 Hz) Contact your manufacturer and ask; they have seen this before.