Kudlow tonight preaching endless optimism

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by PlusMinus, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. achilles28


    Kudlow's alright. Him and Santelli are the only dollar hawks, AFAICT.
    #11     Dec 23, 2009
  2. S2007S


    Brian Wesbury is in this segment with Kudlow, both are EXTREMELY BULLISH, EXTREMELYYYYYYYYYYYY Bullish, it reminds me of 2007 when kudlow day after day was hyping up this so called goldilocks economy, man did he get that one wrong.

    Brian Wesbury in this video says:


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    #12     Dec 23, 2009
  3. i believe hes on this video too in 2007:
    #13     Dec 23, 2009
  4. S2007S



    See the LIES, they have no fucking clue, all of them are clueless.....

    When the markets go in one direction everyone feels invincible until the collapse comes....

    Truly amazing....
    #14     Dec 23, 2009
  5. Art Cashin tells it like it is and loves booze.
    #15     Dec 23, 2009
  6. S2007S


    Found this article 2/27/2008

    Its Q & A with Brian Wesbury and what I want to point out is this:

    1. He is one to yell out that anytime is a good time to buy stocks because of course stocks only go up.....

    2. Said in 2008 that the economy WAS NOT headed for RECESSION and that it was not in one at the time.


    WOW this guy is a complete FOOL.

    Went on to say that it was only going to be a $250 Billion dollar problem at most????

    Wait didn't they sign in a $780+ Billion dollar stimulus plan and raise the deficit trillions of dollars, GOOD ONE Mr. Wesbury.

    These fools are the ones today yelling that everything is fine, blah, blah, blah, In due time he will look like an even greater fool.

    Steigerwald with economist Brian Wesbury

    Cagle Cartoon columnist

    Being an economic forecaster is as dangerous as being a weather forecaster — the longer view you take, the harder it is to “see” the future.

    Nevertheless, economist Brian Wesbury must be doing something right when he looks in his crystal ball. The Wall Street Journal, where his smart and coherent op-ed pieces run frequently, named him the country’s Number-One economic forecaster in 2001 and USA Today ranked him among the top 10 in 2004. Economics editor of The American Spectator magazine and a regular expert on CNBC, Wesbury is currently chief economist at First Trust Advisors L.P., a financial services firm based near Chicago. I talked to him by phone on Thursday:

    Q: Should we be jumping out of windows or buying stocks right now?

    A: We should not be jumping out of windows. We should be buying stocks, and I say that for two reasons: Number One, the market basically today is priced for almost the end of the world. The conditions that have preceded previous periods of rough economic times just don’t exist. The other thing is, if you look back at the last 230 years of U.S. history, there has really hardly ever been a bad time to buy stocks — especially if you are holding them for the long run.

    Q: You say we are not in a recession and we are not even headed for one, right?

    A: That is correct. Every single recession in the United States for the last 80 years has been preceded by a tight Federal Reserve policy — in other words, excessively high interest rates. And we clearly don’t have that today. Recessions are also preceded frequently by tax hikes or protectionism. So I would say that today we have very low interest rates, we have low tax rates, and we are not moving in a protectionist direction. As a result, those conditions that have led to recessions in the past don’t exist. One last point: I know of no point in history where we have ever scared ourselves into a recession. It just has never happened before and I don’t think it will happen this time, either.

    Q: Is there a problem that is being overhyped by the mainstream general news media — The New York Times, CNN, USA Today?

    A: Yes, I think there are. The biggest one is this whole subprime lending issue. At its worst, and this is using the worst assumptions that I can make, it’ll be about a $250 billion problem. I don’t even think that we’ll get to that level; that’s the worst I can make it. $250 billion is less than .3 percent of all the economy’s assets. We have a $14 trillion GDP. We have $100 trillion in assets. It’s just too small of a problem to take the economy down. So I think we are blowing it out of proportion today and it is causing more fear than it should.

    EDITOR’S NOTE — Bill Steigerwald is a columnist at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. E-mail Bill at steigerwald@caglecartoons.com.

    #16     Dec 23, 2009
  7. They all are an embarrassment and Bloomberg is one of the worst. As long as we have Obama (puppet man) always speaking like he is running for office and the SEC and CFTC either turning their head the Wall ST. Money Mongrels will control. Every once and a while throwing the street a bone like Madoff, Stanford and such the real thieves will continue to pick pocket the little man and of course woman. :)

    They worked to destroy the working mans (hope chest and retirement fund). All news is controlled by the same Wall ST. JW's and we are fed late news every day. I have never seen so often news being leaked or being reported after the move has happened and now with the intervention of high speed computers it is only a short time before day trading no longer exists as before.

    Lies, Lies and more Lies manufactured and bulit in the USA
    #17     Dec 23, 2009
  8. Most days I don't even have them or the other channels on. I know you all will laugh at me, but most days, while I'm trading or even just looking for a trade, the Food Network is on. Don't know why, can't explain it, but it doesn't bother me like CNBC or that other joke, Fox Business. Outside of the Food Network, it's the Weather Channel, or I just turn off the boob tube and listen to some tunes.
    #18     Dec 23, 2009
  9. jnorty


    whats so damm sad is all these people can and are wrong 75% of the time yet they make millions a year and are never punished. abbey joseph cohen has stayed bullish thru 2 bear mkts yet has never paid a price for being dead wrong.laszlo birinyi said in dec 2008 the bottoms in at 750 and in march we hit 650. yet he's been allowed to be on tv and make more crazy predictions.IN THE END NOBODY CARES WHO'S RIGHT OR WRONG AND MEMORIES ARE SHORT. NOBODY CARES WHAT IF STOCKS HAVE HIGH P/E'S. ALL PEOPLE CARE ABOUT IS "CAN I MAKE MONEY".BUT WHEN THEY GET HURT AND LOSE BIG THEY ALWAYS WANT TO BLAME SOMEBODY.

    Laszlo Birinyi: S&P 750's the Bottom - Barron's Interview 22 comments
    by: SA Editor Eli Hoffmann January 04, 2009
    #19     Dec 23, 2009
    #20     Dec 24, 2009