
Discussion in 'Trading' started by alain, Jul 9, 2002.

  1. alain


    I was just reading through my library and came to my old Kostolany books. I pulled it out to read the preface of the book and an hour later I was finished with reading the book for the 10th or 20th time. The book is only available in french and german and covers all knowledge about the the financial markets of this world. The name of the book is "Geld und Börse" .

    Back in 1996 when I started to get interested in the markets the first book I have read was "Marketpsychology" from André Kostolany and soon after I have read all the others that were available from this author. After that I went trough all the Investment and Trading methods and ended up with intraday trading. I have read books about systemdevelopement, behavioral finance, psychology, money management etc.. and to come back to my introduction today I came to the books I started six years ago... and must say it covers so much wisdom I haven't found in any other book or in any other publication available on the financial markets. A man writing his 60 years of stock market experience down in a few books.. I guess that says it all.

    I want to share this with you all because here often has been discussed about what books are of real value... and here are my current thoughts on this.

    Maybe some german or french speaking traders will enjoy the reading.. and maybe there is some book publisher on this board that could be interested in translating some of these books into the english language.

  2. Atlantic


    hy alain,

    there is one book by a.k. i own - "kostolanys börsenseminar".

    it is very interesting of course - and it contains some things that were and are and will be valid as long as markets are there.

    but i guess kosto himself was more a gambler type. until today it is not clear whether he made more money with his trading / investing / gambling (whatever) or with his books and seminars.

    i guess he was somehow a livermore-type (although i never read a book of j.l. - but just according to some comments about him here and there).

    anyway - kostolany was bankrupt several times - obviously because money management was not yet invented those days ...
  3. wild
