Kirsten Gillibrand's Loserfest

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TreeFrogTrader, Mar 24, 2019.

  1. What a bland, mealy-mouthed loser she is . Absolutely no talent or personality whatsever. Thinks she is going to be VP someday.

    She launched her "exploratory" campaign in January and since then has solidly demonstrated that there is no interest in her whatsoever, anywhere, from anyone.

    Another one coming out with the message of "I hate Trump more than the others."
    Yeh, that fills a real void in the field right there. She is the mealiest of them all because she has to distinguish herself but cannot ever take real shots at any of the other front-runner candidates because...well.... how you gonna be their vp pick if you do that?

    Democrat Gillibrand to deliver 2020 White House launch speech outside NY Trump hotel
  2. Gillibrand took in 3 million in the first quarter. Dead last among the six senators running.


  3. LacesOut


    One of 20+ losers. Maybe the biggest loser of the bunch.
    Skateboarding whiteboy probably number 1.
  4. elderado


    That is way too happy of a song. This is much better. Still, she's a loser.

  5. I did not heretofore know that Biden was a skateboarder.
