KING OF BAIN....Oh My Gawd!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RCG Trader, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. Brass


    If that is indeed the unvarnished truth, then it will hold Romney in good stead. In the same way that Gingrich's hit piece should be subject to scrutiny, so should any potential spin to the contrary. And since one of Romney's principal platforms is his ability in the private sector to add value and create jobs, which his adversaries are now calling into question, it is only fair to ask of Romney to objectively validate his claims in a manner deemed satisfactory to an independent observer. Only then would the voting public truly know one way or the other. Of course, that would be in a perfect world. More likely than not, people will not have all the evidence they need to make an informed decision and will therefore likely just go with their biases.
    #321     Jan 14, 2012
  2. pspr


    Only if you are a Vampire!
    #322     Jan 14, 2012
  3. Most night workers are. :D

    As far as your Nobama aspirations go, the King of Bain has lost the rust belt, thanks to Newt.

    There are three swing states in the rust belt. The King of Bain is doomed.
    #323     Jan 14, 2012