Kids = worthless investment?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by turkeyneck, Mar 7, 2011.

  1. are the best , but they should devise a way that when they turn 8 or 9 you should be able to sell them away.
    #41     Mar 8, 2011
  2. ElCubano


    Doing homework was never so To love someone more than oneself is actually pretty damn good.
    #42     Mar 8, 2011
  3. The human greed to develop very fast and competition has led to the downfall of world economy ultimately. Example, if there is 200 storey building, you will reach the top of the building by elevator/lift or staircase. If you use elevator you reach the top in 2 minutes and then you have to come down. If you use staircase, you reach the top in 2 hours and then you come down. If the world factories would have been working for 12 hours a day only for past 50 to 100 years, then only 50% of world's resources would have been consumed today. The world economy would have easily survived for another 100 years without any problem. There would have been no financial crisis and multi-trillion bailouts for next 100 years and more.

    World people consume/eat 4.4 billion Tons food per year, equivalent/equal to weight of 8,800 world trade center buildings (WTC 9/11)

    Worldwide oil production for year 2010 was 30 billions of barrels.

    Some 7 billion tonnes of coal is produced worldwide per year which is equal to weight of 14,000 world trade center buildings (9/11)

    Search in google for "european sex videos" and similar words and you will understand why "human beings are breeding like rats". 5,200 Pentagon Employees Purchased Child Porn.

    The Bible do not lie, is the word of God. This world should give rise to the kingdom of Christ, the “cleaning” is painful, but Jesus will restore everything. Who want to go with Him? Repent and join to Christ that you will have living with the eternal God, righteous and loving, the Lord of all the law of life, of love and peace, the true Light.

    Swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, -they break out; and blood toucheth blood. For this shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowl of the heavens, yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away." (Hosea, 4:1-3)

    Ash is rich with nutrients and helps in better growth of the forest. To provide ash to the forest, rotten and fallen woods and some good trees have to be burned. There cannot be ash without a fire and fire does not distinguish between anything and anybody.
    #43     Mar 8, 2011
  4. Oh I believe it.

    In my case it will be penance for the smart-mouth, moody, obnoxious, know it all i was at that age.

    #44     Mar 8, 2011
  5. Roark


    I think Muslims have a procedure for that, especially if they're girls.
    #45     Mar 8, 2011
  6. On the average they are correct. But not everything in life is about economics. Actually, for the majority of people, decisions are based on external benefits to pure economic value.

    Pls allow me to reply to those economists: Nobody gives a sh*t what you economists think about life. You are losers anyway.
    #46     Mar 8, 2011
  7. Mayhem


    The problem for those economists is that they cannot accurately quantify the pleasure/mental-emotional benefit from having children in the developed, Western world.

    In the third world, it makes absolute economic sense to have many children. That's why dirt poor third-worlders have lots of kids. Where there is no state-sponsored social safety net (like social security, medicare, pensions, etc), your kids become your social safety net... otherwise, you can expect to find yourself at old age in a gutter, broken, and starving to death.

    90% of economists making their living in academia... basically, part of the higher-education industry charging top dollar to "educate" children/emerging adults. Cut back on the number of babies, and soon most of the economists will have to take work as greeters at Costco.
    #47     Mar 8, 2011
  8. Kids are not worthless. But investment in kids maybe risky when there is no guarantee for world economy and human survival.
    #48     Mar 8, 2011
  9. volente_00


    220k liability for 18 years.

    And when I look into my child's eyes and see that glowing smile it is worth every f'ing dollar of it
    #49     Mar 8, 2011
  10. ElCubano


    In the case of Jose and Kitty Menendez, it was ironic that those they brought to life where the ones who took them thats f88ked up
    #50     Mar 8, 2011