Keynes vs Hayek: Battle! Hilarious video

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Maverick74, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. Maverick74


    What would Ricter say? :)
    #21     Apr 28, 2011
  2. Hello


    LOL, Maverick, these videos are priceless. :D
    #22     Apr 29, 2011
  3. Ricter


    *sticksheadoutbasementdoor* damn, bright up here!
    #23     Apr 29, 2011
  4. MKTrader


    A lot of shoplifting victims, but not much else to worry about.

    Again, I'll take it over the incredible waste, socialism, faux/crony capitalism, mass entitlements, etc. we have now.
    #24     Apr 29, 2011
  5. achilles28


    Exactly. You're a smart guy.

    The entire system runs on blackmail. That's what Echelon and NarusInsight is used for - identify political skeletons for leverage. The CIA and NSA steer election cycles by "leaking" damning information on candidates hostile to their agenda and withholding dirt on their pet favorites. If the public demands a true outsider, they go through his electronic records (phone, fax, internet, email, tax returns) for the past 20 years. At which point, he's blackmailed (if they figure he's got enough political legs). Or, he's destroyed by media "leaks". Or, they death threat (Ross Perot). Or, assassinate (Lincoln, JFK). That's why nothing ever changes. We don't live in a "Free" Country. The notion the President is the most powerful man on earth is a complete fairy tale to trick the idiot sheep their vote really "counts" and America really is a "Representative Democracy".

    Notice how corruption is promoted in Washington? Only the biggest liars, cheats, thieves and murders rise to the top. Not the nice kid down the block with a doctorate and a 180 IQ. Nice guys never get above middle management. They get demoted (Sibel Edmonds, Colleen Rowely). Thieves recruit thieves because they've all got dirt on each other. Everyone's safe because everyone knows where the other guy buried the bodies. That's why they killed JFK and Lincoln. Both threatened the illegitimate power of the shadow Government - fractional reserve banking and the war-for-profit surveillance state. Bang Bang.

    Look at Obama. Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo, Government secrecy, a return to Constitutional Supremacy. He was going to fix the entire fucking thing! And here we are. Obama is damaged goods. Whether he was a liar from the start or they "got" to him, is a mystery. He did work for the BIC (a known CIA front company) after college. I read his university was paid for by BIC. If yea, then he's more a creation of the intelligentsia than a grassroots folk-hero, which explains why he got so far, so quick, on so little.

    For decades, smart people have chalked up this trainwreck of a Government to "stupidity" and "incompetence". Trust me, we should be so lucky. These people behind the scenes, pulling the real levers, are neither stupid nor incompetent. They are HARDCORE AUTHORITARIANS and they intend to destroy America one brick at a fucking time, until the whole thing collapses on our fucking heads. And then all the moronic idiots who were totally clueless to the entire show will surrender their rights for security and their end game will be complete: Dictatorship. That's what the entire goal is: Dictatorial control over every facet of American life. And that's exactly the direction this Country has been going in for the past 80 years: ever bigger Government, ever higher taxes, ever eroding freedoms. That's why they're bad mouthing the dollar. That's why they're readying the SDR Treasury bond. That's why they're giving China the thumbs up to "divest" their foreign exchange reserves (read: dump US Treasuries). See where this is going folks? The dollar is the last thing this joke of an economy has left. When that goes, blood in the streets. Even the the middle class will get wiped out. Think Greek riots with no IMF bailout (hint: America IS the IMF)... Then who will be left to ride-in to save the day? The Government. But they're gonna take our rights to make sure it never, ever happens again. To "protect us"..
    #25     Apr 30, 2011
  6. I nominate this as the smartest thread currently running on the net.
    #26     Apr 30, 2011
  7. I have to agree. All great posts.

    The real irony to me is that america has always stood for freedom and capitalism, but now america's government is more socialist than russia's. And the economy is not free at all. The US government subsidize all these non-competitive industries. And bail out companies that make dumb decisions. Unfortunately, the system needs to collapse before it can can recover. It ain't working as it stands.
    #27     Apr 30, 2011
  8. Wow, thanks Achilles!

    On to the debate. I can see that most do not understand what is really at stake. They want to talk about birth certificates. Dems and Pubs. Crazy man, just crazy. I have shown this vid to as many folks as I can. The common man just does not get it, and that is sad and a bit scary.
    #28     May 1, 2011
  9. Agreed.
    Apathy is the other disease that is a huge problem.
    #29     May 1, 2011