Keynes' interpretation of Hayek is still relevant for today's economic policy makers

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Frederick Foresight, Jan 9, 2018.

  1. NeoTrader


    Who are you to say what I smile about or not?:D

    And we are not in kindergarten here, so you don't have to dispute who reached a conclusion before or not... I don't keep track of your posts... And I never said that I was the first/only to do so... Again, who is discussing chronology of conclusions like we were in kindergarten is you, not me...:rolleyes:;)

    For the record, the people that voted for this and are equally miserable today DESERVE this... Since they elected the "equality promoters" democratically, that makes the biggest part of the population...
    The ones that I'm sorry for are the ones who realized this shit before things happened because they saw that all this socialist crap never worked and never will, but because of the "so called" democracy(a.k.a. Tyranny of the Majority), were forced to be a part of it.
    #51     Jan 11, 2018