Keynes' interpretation of Hayek is still relevant for today's economic policy makers

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Frederick Foresight, Jan 9, 2018.

  1. piezoe


    This is fundamental to classical Libertarianism. The failure of today's U.S. "libertarian" splinter groups, who are in realty what Chomsky calls "anarchocapitalists," is the failure to recognize that laws are essential to preservation and enlargement of freedom. The debate should not be about the size of government and number of laws; it should be about the the quality of government and the quality of its laws. When that's done, the size of government will take care care of itself.

    What gets in the way is human nature, or as Malcolm Muggeridge would have put it, "vanity, greed and instinct."
    #31     Jan 9, 2018
  2. SunTrader


    What gets in the way is .... government wanting more and more control and the dumb electorate allowing them.
    #32     Jan 9, 2018
    cdcaveman likes this.
  3. How quickly we forget the Democide committed in the name of equality and quickly a Government becomes tyrannical... The biggest agressor of private property life and liberty throughout history has been Governments... Keynes was a hack ..silverspoon academic elitist.... I'd say if you wanted to talk about a spectrum start at Rothbard move to Mises Hayak Menger, then to Milton and Sowell,, thene to more opressive statists like Samuelson, Keynesians ,neo Keynesians and then just a short distance away Mao Stalin trosky, Marx , .... Having a government is a forced can't practically go anywhere without being opressive by a government... We are lucky here in the US that there is some semblance left of the libertarian ideals of the forefathers... Most of the Constitution is to protect the people from Government... And to limit it's scope....boy can you imagine those guys looking at "the new Deal" or other power grab socialist schemes like that...
    #33     Jan 9, 2018
    SunTrader likes this.
  4. henry76


    Selma's really let herself go.
    #34     Jan 9, 2018
  5. tommcginnis


    I'm gonna contest this! YES I AM.
    I am!!!!!:(
    I *swear* it!!! :confused:

    As soon as I can find how it's wrong.:wtf:


    If I wrote:
    "Ease! Guarantees! Freebies!"
    I wonder if I would start a revolution. Dammmmmmn. :cool:
    #35     Jan 9, 2018
  6. piezoe


    You've personified government. Bizarre. (I learned the art of clever rejoinder by studying your buddy, "The Donald.")
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2018
    #36     Jan 9, 2018
  7. SunTrader


    It is. A revolving door of persons who want to control. The faces and names don't matter. The actions do.
    #37     Jan 9, 2018
    cdcaveman likes this.
  8. DeltaRisk


    His policies guide any long term strategy I have.

    It would be worth looking into.
    #38     Jan 9, 2018
  9. SunTrader


    Got that backwards. Trumpie the clown is the total opposite of my buddy. He is yet another control freak. That makes him your buddy.
    #39     Jan 10, 2018
    cdcaveman likes this.
  10. Sig


    I agree, I want liberty as well. I want the liberty to build a coal power plant next door to your house and blow the exhaust directly into your yard. Don't like that, well you're against liberty my friend. I want the liberty to play my metal music at full volume directed into your yard, surely you're not against that. I want the liberty to dump my sewage in your living room. I want the liberty to build a house on your property, after all you're not using all of it. I want the liberty to punch you in the face whenever I feel like it. Still for liberty?
    See the nativity of a black and white view of the world? Obviously your liberty ends when it imposes on mine, which is simple until their's a situation where we're both impacted. Then, welcome to the real world, something you appear to have little experience with.
    #40     Jan 10, 2018