Kevin O'Leary can't be this dumb ...

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by Q.E.D., Dec 15, 2022.

  1. Q.E.D.


  2. traderob


    He was given $15 million by FTX to promote it, that is reason enough for most people.
    Arnie Guitar, jys78 and SimpleMeLike like this.
  3. ktm


    Beyond Softkey, almost everything O'Leary has started or touched has gone downhill. When you can't actually make money building and growing businesses, you sell yourself on TV to sit around and advise everyone on what you think they should do. Good for him that he's pulling in millions like this, but I wouldn't confuse that with being able to provide solid investment advice to others.


    celebrity tv people are mostly all dumb

    they're pretty good at getting paid for doing nothing though..

    so maybe they are smart??
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2022
    The_Krakenite and SimpleMeLike like this.
  5. 'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.'

    He is not on the payroll anymore, so you would think that would no longer apply, but i guess it is still hard to shake all the beliefs he has built up in his head. A bit like a trader who doesn't want to change his mind on a clearly wrong trade.
  6. destriero


    Backstory. I had a client who knows O’Leary and I asked him on Signal about the deal. O’Leary tells people in his circle that he mostly took cash when in reality he took 100% FTT, so he’s incensed as he sees CZ as targeting FTX. ofc CZ could have dumped FTT without saying a word and dramatically improved his price, but took the role of whistleblower.

    Kev didn’t show up on the cap-table because the figure didn’t meet the threshold.

    Now. In no fucking way are BNB exchange funds collateralized at 1 to 1. I would imagine the figure doesn’t exceed 80%.
  7. Looks like he is at the end...
  8. lwlee


    From the latest that I read, it was $15 million fee for O'Leary sponsorship but he took it upon himself to invest $10 million into FTT. So that makes it $5 million cash he pocketed. If this is the case, is he going to give back the $5 million?
    Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful, has revealed that the collapsed crypto exchange FTX paid him about $15 million to become its spokesperson. “I put about $9.7 million into crypto. I think that’s what I lost. I don’t know. It’s all at zero,” O’Leary said

    In addition, even if O'Leary had said crypto was crap in the past, think about having the opportunity to invest $10 million with the golden crypto boy saving the industry. I'm pretty sure O'Leary was dreaming about finally matching Cuban as a billionaire.
  9. Well, O'Leary got 15 million just for being a poster-boy for FTX. If he does a few more side-hustles like that, then Billionaire status is not too far off...

    Now, what I want to know, is how much is WonderFi paying O'Leary? He's been the poster-boy for both FTX & WonderFi. Now this is very unorthodox.

    Two competing exchange/brokers are paying the SAME celebrity to represent each? lol Since when has that been a thing? If I just work for a damn thrift shop, I'm prohibited from switching jobs to another thrift store down the street.

    I guess being O'Leary really does give you special exceptions!
  10. vanzandt


    I was thinking about this... If I produced Saturday Night Live lol....
    I would sooo have the writers draw up a Shark Tank skit for this weekend.

    Michael Che ---> Damon
    Chloe Fineman ---> Lorrie
    Kate McKinnon---> Barb
    Hernandez ---> Mark Cuban
    Mike Longfellow----> Robert (whatever his last name is)

    And even though it doesn't really look like him, they'd have to use some serious makeup and let Pete Davidson be O'leary. Because he's got the talent to pull it off and be funny af.


    "Next into the tank, an entrepreneur who has created a new cryptocurrency".


    Omg, the writers could go crazy with it.
    If it wasn't so tragic in a way for the folks that really lost money, I'd say let O'leary actually play himself.

    I don't know who they could use to play SBF... but I do know who could have played him better than anyone else in the world ever could.
    Friggin' Belushi.
    He'd have killed it. He even looks like him a bit.
    I can just see him in that wig looking around with those psycho SBF eyes. :D
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2022
    #10     Dec 23, 2022
    Overnight likes this.