
Discussion in 'Politics' started by cdbern, Feb 27, 2004.

  1. I disagree. That would require the well-married cosmetically-enhanced Senator Kerry to hold a level of conviction grounded in a principled-based ideology that his record would suggest is completely foreign to him. On second thought, Stalin did have a similar coif, did he not? Hmmm. . . .
    #31     Feb 28, 2004
  2. Pabst


    Not to worry. Kerry will get about 46% of the popular vote. Many independents who voted for centrist perceived Gore will shy away from Kerry.
    #32     Feb 29, 2004
  3. You think the independents that voted for Gore will vote for Bush now?


    #33     Feb 29, 2004
  4. MRWSM


    Just saw a commercial of Kerry promising every American health care. Has he changed his position on health care? Is he planning a Canadian style health care system or does he have a band aid idea and trying to make himself look good in commercials? I know a lot of people don't like this but with insurance premiums rising faster than Warren Buffets portfolio, it will eventually be richer than all of us. Since the US is already paying more per person than Canada, the US does not need to raise taxes to do this and will actually save money. I think it's the conservative thing to do since costs are going up so fast.

    I'm an extreme republican that would consider living through Kerry's weakening of our national defense and his gigolo life style if he would fix the out of control health care system the US has.

    Only thing is he already said he would raise taxes so there is no way I would vote for him.
    #34     Feb 29, 2004
  5. Pabst


    Absolutely. Gore benefited from his position in the popular with moderates Clinton administration. Many Reagan Democrats felt that Clinton/Gore turned the Party back to the center. Although those voters certainly aren't pro-Bush they'll vote against the too liberally defined John Kerry. Keep in mind ART, close to 95% of those eligible are employed and that John Q. Public really doesn't care at the end of the day about rapidly fading from the headlines Iraq. If you disagree ART I suggest putting your money where your mouth is. Right now on Tradesports $36.50 will win you a hundo if GWB is not re-elected in November.
    #35     Feb 29, 2004
  6. If I disagree with you I should place a bet on the election?


    #36     Feb 29, 2004
  7. Pabst


    Lunacy? Isn't your point that Bush will receive negligible support from voters who identify themselves as independents? Given that no Republican can be elected nationally without the majority of purported moderates would your thesis not deduce a Bush loss in November? The notion of tripling your stake on a trend that you see developing is not appealing?
    #37     Feb 29, 2004
  8. Maverick74


    Pabst my friend, you are under the mistaken identity that ART trades for a living. I don't think he does. Therefore, taking a trade on Bush losing with this much edge clearly does not appeal to him. Art is a quasi-socialist democrat that sees no utility in two grown men buying and selling an asset to each other with the hopes of taking the others money with no product being made or service provided.

    ART's existence on this board is more of a theoretical exercise in various forms of the transferring of wealth whether it be through trading or government taxation.

    I imagine every day ART has to fight the urge to buy that one way plane ticket to France. His only hope is to get a Massachusetts liberal like Kerry elected so ART can realize his theories and change his theoretical world into a reality.
    #38     Feb 29, 2004
  9. cdbern


    Ever hear of Black’s Law Dictionary? When laws are crafted, Webster’s Dictionary is never used. Also when in doubt, courts in past referred back to Congressional intent. However in the last several decades the Supreme Court has taken the position of exclusive mandate.

    Socialism doesn't limit empowerment? Why milk the cow if you can get the milk delivered. Why should I do anything myself if the government is going to provide for me. That isn’t limiting empowerment?

    Empowerment is an inside job.
    Yes, inside the individual. Unfortunately there are more takers than givers. See above.

    I’m viewing everything through the lens of a Constitutionalist.

    Obviously as a liberal, or one with liberal tendencies, you don’t understand human nature. People take the path of least resistance. As I said before, necessity is the mother of invention. Remove the need, remove the thrust to take responsibility.

    There is no one single “cause”. However, allowing Socialism to manifest itself in our political and social structure will cause the greater harm.

    If the Constitution needs to be amended, which it has been, then so be it. But follow what is there. That hasn’t been done. Thats the point I’m making. Everyone wants to add their own meaning or disregard its intent, throwing out every conceivable absurd reason imaginable. Doing so erodes our liberties.

    "The reality is that the constitution is no longer their constitution, nor
    their is our constitution and our society."

    They didn’t write the Constitution for themselves. The wrote it for every inhabitant of this country. Our job is to preserve it at all costs, for future generations.

    "What parts have to change? What hasn’t been accounted for? The Constitution isn’t whats broken here.

    That is your opinion."

    ART, in addition to making a statement, I was asking you for your opinion. What part needs to change?

    "Yes, there is whim and fashion in society. That is why the idea of a supreme court is a group of non fashionable and non whimsical individuals to determine what is actually constitutional."

    Non fashionable? Non whimsical? Knock, knock, hello ART, are you home?

    "The point is that socialism itself is not unconstitutional in nature."

    The concept of Socialism is certainly unconstitutional. The Constitution places VERY STRICT guidelines on the role of government.
    #39     Feb 29, 2004
  10. cdbern


    Out of kindness and a desire to shun my past, I have avoided calling today's democrats communists. However, the more I witness their passive behavior in the face of communists and other aggressors, I am sometimes forced to conclude the purpose for stepping aside is to assist in communist advancement.
    #40     Feb 29, 2004