Ken Griffin's Citadel Securities reaps record $6.7 billion on volatility

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by guru, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. AbbotAle


    Maybe for the clients as well as they're getting better prices.

    Market makers lose with toxic flow (on balance), retail is not toxic and never will be so bid-offer prices ONLY for retail can be tighter/better than for large potentially toxic customers/flow.

    Selling flow to Citadel is therefore good for the small clients.

    Go back to 1/8th and 1/4 and the old floor for fills versus what retail has now.
    #11     Jan 25, 2021
    zdreg likes this.
  2. zdreg


    re: rare phenomena in life.
    +1 exactly. you understand the reality. it is a triple win win.
    "It is a win win situation for the two companies. Those "few pennies" add up to large profits."
    + the retail trader is a big winner.
    #12     Jan 25, 2021