Keith Olbermann's Comment On Gabrielle Giffords Shooting

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Range Rover, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. Olby is a racist straight up. This is about hating a black man!

    He's blaming Allen West.
    #11     Jan 9, 2011
  2. This is an example of why I just can't get behind Olberman for the most part. While my politics continue to bend further left as a result of the disgusting oppression perpetrated on the working class of this country, an oppression mostly driven by the republicans and their corporate and financial terrorist counterparts, I still dislike Olberman and his ilk.
    The bodies weren't even cold and this guy was railing away against the right while minimizing, if not outright excusing the same behavior from the extreme left. Add to that, Olberman and his type make their living stirring the pot of discontent, I found his comments completely off base.
    #12     Jan 10, 2011