Keith Olbermann

Discussion in 'Politics' started by NeoRio1, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. Holy got "you're" right. Congratulations.

    As I said go back and read the thread that you responded to. You'll find the answers to your questions there young dumb grasshoppa...then get back to me. I don't suffer fools well.

    BTW: I'll be at the gym for awhile. You're an obvious idiot but please don't let that stop you from posting while I'm gone,

    #21     Jan 12, 2009
  2. Damn i spelled his wrong. I guess you win the argument...
    #22     Jan 12, 2009
  3. And here is the ultimate example of an elite liberal.

    Thanks for proving my statement Dr. Z.

    The similarity between Dr. Z and Olbermann is amazing. They both insult people with different views while at the same time never actually participating in the debate.

    Dr. Z I am sorry but the picture of you running yourself into this corner is beautiful.
    #23     Jan 12, 2009
  4. kut2k2


    Obviously you've never listened to yourself. Try to wrap your small mind around this: Keith has a successful show. His format works for him and his audience. But because it doesn't meet your provincial view of a political show, it isn't fit as a "good" show.

    Try to imagine how little Keith, I or any other of his fans give a fuck. :p

    What's to debate? Keith presents FACTS. Facts are undebatable. Those facts almost always put conservatives in a bad light. You don't like that, so you want to "debate". Do you want to "debate" about whether the sun rises in the East or in the West? Do you want to "debate" whether two plus two equals four? Probably, but guess what? Keith doesn't want to waste his time or his viewers' time on your bullshit antics. So go cry a river on your fearless leader's shoulders about those mean ol' liberals who won't play by YOUR rules. We don't care.
    #24     Jan 12, 2009
  5. Successful show compared to who Fox and Friends? Olbermann is lucky to get a third of the amount of viewers as O'Reilly.

    If all he does is present the truth than why can't he converse with conservatives?

    People compare him to O'Reilly. O'Reilly debates people with all sorts of views. Olbermann lives in his little perfect world where he is always right because he never delves outside his narrow thought process.

    I am merely bringing up the fact that Olbermann is one of the biggest liberal talking heads in media and yet he has never once debated a conservative. It just goes to show how much liberals can complain and how weak their own arguments are.

    If you were one of the most popular talking heads in the media the ONLY reason you would refuse to debate people with different views is if you felt people with different views would hurt your own popularity and reputation.

    Go watch the mini series John Adams and try and tell me again that debating is pointless. You might have a different opinion. With you attitude the formation of our country would have never come about.
    #25     Jan 13, 2009
  6. kut2k2



    O'Reilly's numbers are inflated with senior citizens, Olbermann's numbers in the 25-54 range are comparable to O'Reilly's and sometimes exceed them.

    See, you lie. Most of your ilk does nothing but lie. Reasonable people get fed up with that bullshit, and we appreciate a show like Olbermann's where pathological liars aren't given another megaphone, as if Fakes News, CNN and most radio talk shows aren't enough megaphones for you already.

    You're a liar. What's to debate with a liar? Case closed.
    #26     Jan 13, 2009
  7. Olbermann is an asshole infatuated with another asshole, O'Reilly.

    The difference is that O'Reilly makes sense once in awhile, and will at least debate those who disagree with him.

    Look, the guy's on MSNBC and has a viewership of about 20 barber shops in Maine. He's pathetic.
    #27     Jan 13, 2009
  8. So I am liar because senior citizens do not count or because O'Rielly 2 has million more viewers instead of 2.5 million viewers.

    In the month of october O'Reilly averaged around 4 million viewers.

    Olbermann in the month of obtober averaged 2 million.

    Also senior citizens vote liberal almost in higher percents than young people. Mainly the reason is because liberals propose more government help. You would think though sense liberals appeal more to senior citizens than conservatives that the senior citizens would watch Olbermann?

    Why don't senior citizens watch Olbermann?

    My opinion is that senior citizens are turned off by Olbermanns format because he never debates people with views different than himself.

    So what do we have? We have a huge amount of senior citizens that vote liberal even though they would rather watch a conservative.

    The bottom line is that senior citizens are moderates. Therefore being the moderates they are they enjoy watching opinion anchors that actually legitmize their opinions by actually debating the other side.

    Good luck defending a guy who is nothing more than a complaining bitch that has never proven his intellectual ability of conversing his views besides giving BJ's to his liberal buddies.

    I would think that kind of sucks because Olbermann is one of the biggest liberals on TV yet he is too much of a pussy to actually take a step out into the real world.
    #28     Jan 13, 2009
  9. Edited for accuracy.
    #29     Jan 13, 2009
  10. Panty "waste?" Hooked on phonics, are you, but not quite there yet? Or did you just pop a fudgie?
    #30     Jan 13, 2009