Keeping cancer alive: bailouts for autos, financial leeches, global warming

Discussion in 'Economics' started by wilburbear, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. MKTrader


    And Obama is shamelessly politicizing the whole oil spill mess. This "we need to find new sources of energy" bit in the midst of the crisis? It's horrible. Imagine if Bush tried to push something from his agenda in the middle of would the media react? (And I wasn't a big fan of Bush either.)
    #31     Jun 18, 2010
  2. Some here, (not all, just some) miss the whole point.
    Green Energy isn't the point, CONTROL is. Total control.
    Revolutionary radicals are true believers in social change. They're foam-at-the-mouth rabid, and committed.
    #32     Jun 18, 2010