Karl Rove must be related to Rose Mary Woods

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. kut2k2


    God, the revisionism just never stops with you righties!

    "The problem with Clinton was there were so many scandals, it would have taken several special prosecutors to handle them all." This is just plain crazy talk, no other way to describe it.

    Ken Starr was not a lone ranger; he had a large staff of attorneys and investigators, and spent $40 million on investigating the Clintons. All he got was Clinton lying about a blowjob, but in your head, somehow there was just soooo much other stuff to run with, poor Ken was just too confused to get beyond the sex. Incredible.

    Your head is going to explode when you see the reams of impeachment charges written against Dick and the chimp. Dems know how to walk and chew gum at the same time.
    #21     Apr 22, 2007
  2. SteveD


    Bill Clinton was convicted of lying under oath....this is the most serious charge in the US as it undermines the entire legal system...he was disbarred for this act...

    Bill earned $25,000/year as Governor of Arkansas yet managed somehow to leave office with millions....maybe he was daytrading...

    But, most of the scandals of the White House years were of Hillary's making....FBI files in her bedroom???? ....

    history will treat Clinton very badly....he was without a doubt the most corrupt President in the last 50 years, even exceeding LBJ...

    Starr had nothing to do with Whitewater...whatsoever....

    Those are the actual facts....

    #22     Apr 22, 2007