KANE TRADING bookset for sale!

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Marky33, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. No offense to the OP,

    You have a highly specialized item for sale that was originally sold to you at an extremely outrageous price.

    Other TA books at bookstores cost 5-10X's less.

    I am not knocking highly specialized TA books; but it is now what the marketmakers (us) will 'bid.'

    You are getting bid down--thus, your offer must do so as well.

    I bought esoterica books for $150-$400 and many others.

    Wanna know what I got when I wanted them out of my face?

    .10cents on the dollar.

    That is what you'll be looking at most likely.


    #11     Nov 14, 2011
  2. nkhoi


    This is highly emotionally charged issue. When I don't want a book I just donate and imagine somebody else will get a great use out of it. Trying to sell it just make me feel like I had overpaid for it. I can exchange Harnessing explosive market turn by Jeff Greenblatt DVD for your set.
    #12     Nov 14, 2011
  3. clacy


    If you can't trade this "Ferrari" system, how do you know it's not worthless?
    #13     Nov 14, 2011
  4. Marky33


    "....highly emotionally charged issue"?? Whatever.
    Anyway, I don't trade anymore so no exchanges. Cash only.
    #14     Nov 15, 2011
  5. Marky33


    You're right, it's all worthless. Matter of fact, since I can't trade that means the whole market is completely worthless. Happy now? Goodbye.
    #15     Nov 15, 2011
  6. jprad


    Great analogy.

    However, it doesn't tell us if this system you're selling is actually a Ferrari or just a broken-down Yugo that you bought for the price of a Ferrari.

    But, you don't have to take our word for it. Put it up on eBay and see what you can get for it.
    #16     Nov 15, 2011
  7. Marky33


    I might do it, thanks.
    In the meantime, here's a couple of relevant links for those that are interested in this methodology:


    and of course
    #17     Nov 16, 2011
  8. Is your kane books set still available?

    Pls e-mail me if it is, thkz
    #18     Aug 28, 2012
  9. Marky33


    You got a pm.
    #19     Aug 29, 2012
  10. since we know 90% traders fail, and about 95% of all market "education" doesn't work..

    how can it be worth $700?

    has to be worth zero, or maybe $5 to pass the time like a movie.

    can you show me 10 people who made money with this stuff?

    of course not, never.

    so why not say it's worth $7000 and try to sell it for $900

    all the numbers of "value" of this type of education is made up.

    all marketing.

    oh, but my my book for $35,000....it will show you how to make $20,000!!!!
    #20     Aug 29, 2012