Justin Sun changing the venue of him and Warren Buffets lunch date.

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by Trader Curt, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. Trader Curt

    Trader Curt

    This is getting ridiculous. First of all I think Justin sun is going about this at the wrong angle. He is bringing 7 friends to try to somehow magicly change Warren Buffets mind about crypto. Warren is an old man who is set in his ways, he aint going to learn anything and neither is he going to change his mind, in fact, I think he is going to hate crypto even more after talking to one of the worst spokespeople for crypto. And now Justin Sun wants to change the venue? I appreciate Justin's effort, but he's going about it at the wrong angle. If he would just chill out and have lunch with Warren and not force feed crypto info down his throat then Warren might open an eye to it. I just wish this lunch date can be recorded so I can have a good laugh when it's over. I already know he is going to screw this up, just like he's screwed up his losing shit coin that has only risen 1 cent in over a year....

    Last edited: Jun 21, 2019
  2. Overnight


    Spoiled crypto brat?
  3. gaussian


    You mean everyone in crypto who thinks it "will definitely replace fiat someday, man"? These crypto-charlatans who pretend to understand markets are seriously trying to question one of the greatest value investors of all time. This should really be posted in a humor forum, not here. Having worked with, and for, crypto-companies before - I've personally never met a more arrogant group of people who's heads are so far up their ass they don't even understand what they don't understand. Warren Buffett will surely smell this immediately. It's the computer version of new-age faith healing. "Just gotta believe, man".
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2019
  4. The judge is still out there whether this brat has or ever will generate any single penny in profits for his or others' companies. The way he slings around with money clearly shows that he has zero relationship to money and probably just plays around with investor money that made its way out of China illegally. How he jerks Buffet around is a disgrace. If I was Buffet and if this jerk became too annoying I would just refund him his winning bid and pay for his lunch and just leave.

    Overnight likes this.
  5. Overnight


    Indeed. There's no respect for the elders anymore. If I had a chance to have a lunch with Buffet, I'd ask him questions that would make him crave Omaha steaks and homefries. Soften him up. :)
  6. Trader Curt

    Trader Curt

    Yes the guy is a complete phony. Always posing for the camera like he's the justin timberlake of china...
  7. Overnight


    Well, what can we here do but complain about it...the guy paid millions to have the lunch with him. *shrugs*.

    You think he's this guy? I like to think so...

  8. Exactly. The entire point of the lunch is a) donating the money to charity and b) for the fortunate winner to learn from one of the most successful investor of all times. This kid behaves as if Buffett has anything to learn from him. As if Buffett does not constantly surround himself with the best paid and most knowledgeable people that advice him and inform him of any new trends or developments in society or business. I would immediately sue this kid if I was his advisor for violating his fiduciary duty. Not that I would ever be an investor with such flawed individual in the first place.

  9. This examplifies everything that is currently wrong with our culture. A) he was probably not just the dummest kid but also the biggest asshole because instead of enjoying his yacht he has to be an asshole and harm others and fuck up their enjoyable time (beginning of the clip. B) a nice reinforcement that no matter how wealth is earned more wealth is better than less. A ridiculous belief and way of life on so many levels. C) the ad suggesting that dabbling a little trading with etrade will get anyone remotely close to owning a yacht.

    Dumb and dumber. Most people don't even think watching this but only have their false believes and ways of life unconsciously reinforced.

  10. newwurldmn


    Lighten up. The ad was clearly tongue in cheek.
    #10     Jun 22, 2019
    Overnight likes this.