Just tried Windows 8...uh-oh

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by tortoise, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. tortoise


    If this is Microsoft's great comeback hope, they're in trouble. Just clunky. iOS has nothing to worry about...
  2. the software industry is a scam , there has been no major improvement since 2000, yet they still force you to upgrade. and don't tell me about rich web content and all that nonsense, it has slown down browsing and machines so that you always need more processing more power, mem etc, in the end you are no better off and you have all those distractions (rich content) .
    I am still using Win2k on one PC and it's the best, on the other one I have XP Pro which I think is shit compared to Win2k. I heard Vista was a POS, Win7 better but how better than XP. I find it outrageous that you can't run anything on Win2k anymore not even a recent browser.
  3. jharmon


    The "Storage Spaces" capability within Windows 8 is a great technical feature for creating redundant copies of your data, although I would have preferred another option of "add SSD capacity as cache to improve performance" to the storage space.
  4. What I really look forward to is a Windows version that can uninstall software to revert the system back to the same "clean" state than it was in before the install. No more registry BS, no more segregated inits, roaming folder BS, document folder bs, cache bs, force ALL software installs to write whatever they want into their OWN FOLDER ONLY, NOWHERE ELSE. The problem is not slow hardware, the problem is that once you run a Windows install and periodically install/uninstall software, upgrade Windows components, your machine slows down to a level as if you were running the OS on a 2-3 year older machine. Its a horrible way to run an OS in 2012.

  5. I didn't know that, but I never install/uninstall stuff except for a few must have applications, and I never upgrade Win components. If you let software developers have their way they 'll just ruin your life.
  6. agree, if you run a fresh Windows install, just add the few apps that you plan to run over the next year or so, and first create a solid partition backup then you are good. Anything else will slow down Windows OSs tremendously over time.

  7. I think that W8 is a slight improvement over W7. When I've benchmarked the two of them side by side on identical hardware it seems that the standard W8 (I get rid of that junk dashboard so it looks like W7) can hang equally with a stripped down version of W7.

    This is across the board from both OS'es running on old dual core Xeons & DDR2 to running on new (or pretty new) dual Xeon 5580 CPUs with DDR3.

    I don't own a single non-Xeon CPU so I have no idea if it's different on regular retail grade CPUs. (I own a laptop and a netbook so that isn't totally true :) )
  8. jharmon


    Personally, I use separate PCs/virtual machines for different standalone tasks.

    i.e. trading is done on a very clean pristine PC - no extra programs installed.
    Backup PC for trading has the same.

    My working PC (for system development, emails etc.) has plenty installed though.
  9. j0b0123


    Hmm.. One would think that is a good thing if you are:

    1) selling new/upgraded OS every few years
    2) selling computers pre-installed with said OS

    I heard that earlier versions of Windows were purposely designed to degrade/slowdown over time so the user would get frustrated and buy a new computer.
  10. promagma


    +1, also approach security like this. Each application in it's own folder, and given whitelist security permissions. When you install the app, an easy to recognize and consistent looking security dialog from Windows, telling you what the app is requesting and you approve/deny. Confusing to some, maybe, but no more upsetting than UAC.

    So even for "noobs" freaking out about security, there is one central place to go and see what your apps are doing.
    #10     Aug 2, 2012