Just released. "Smartest guys in the room" at Goldman took biggest bailout loan.

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by wilburbear, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. LeeD


    I haven't paid attention to the term "Squid" before... Can you elaborate on what it actually means?
    #51     Jul 8, 2011
  2. Yes, you have found me out, Founder (pun intended)!!!!! You Sherlock you!!! My full name is Lloyd Bernanke Blankfein and I am on a mission to take over the world, one trading forum at a time. Given I am the embodiment of Evil, I will be wielding the red lightsaber.

    <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/frCIQfpMOyo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    #52     Jul 8, 2011
  3. Have you read Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone articles about Goldman? He invented the "Vampire Squid" moniker, AFAIK. The exact line is "[Goldman] is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."

    Here's the link to it:

    He has published another one since then, if I am not mistaken.
    #53     Jul 8, 2011
  4. Founder


    I can do a lot better than elaborate but I would be banned if I posted that information here.

    Spending time posting online isn't healthy anyway so I'll take a risk.


    Goldman as powerful as they are, are merely 1 part of the whole program. Club of bankers starting with the Fed have a philosophy that goes beyond money.

    They call themselves Zionists, their goal is to literally take over entire world by the way of finances. If a country won't accept debt money they send in the army to bomb them and install puppets.

    US army is used as a tool, while media brainwashes people how all these countries deserve it. For example 9/11 was an inside job and evidence exists but Mainstream media won't touch it except to call people conspiracy lunatics.

    Russia and China are a major problem for Zionists, none the less they think long term and are confident they'll find a way to bring them down.

    There, now watch me get banned :(
    #54     Jul 8, 2011
  5. LeeD


    "Vampire Squid"...

    I haven't seen this article before. Thanks for the link!

    If you are recommending it, it should be a good read :)
    #55     Jul 8, 2011
  6. LeeD


    I thought opposing Zionism was perfectly "cool" on ET. Such opposition is not racist or offensive in any way unless I am seriously missing something...

    Regarding the image you posted, I haven't tracked down the "original" source yet but here is what google has to say:


    It's weird that most of the images that google finds similar to depiction of a giant squid feature the American flag.
    #56     Jul 8, 2011
  7. Mods, pls don't ban Founder... I don't know what I'd do without him/her.
    #57     Jul 8, 2011
  8. schizo


    I personally like Martinghoul, especially for his intelligence. No doubt, his argument (or shall I say logic) shows coherence from the beginning to the end. But such is his biggest problem. Like my logic professor, he cares only about the validity (or fallacy) of the statement, ignoring everything else around him. He forgets that world is one helluva illogical place.
    #58     Jul 8, 2011
  9. Goldman has already shown itself to be very believable -

    "We did not bet against our clients"
    (We'll just pay a $500mill SEC settlement because we want to.)

    "We did not have a massive short against the housing market."
    (Just the sub-prime part was our "Big Short", but we also were long prime even though that's not really equivalent.)

    "We did not need the bailout money because we were hedged."
    (But we took the largest single amount from the Fed's secret loan facility during the crises.)

    This makes GS perfectly believable for anything they say in the future, because their track-record of Truth is just so good. :D :D
    #59     Jul 9, 2011
  10. bone


    If the government offers you 'next-to-free' money with apparently no contractual strings attached in terms of what you do with it per se, then IMO they should have taken all of it.

    Ultimately, the government needed to stipulate how the party was to use the money. Especially if you know that their core business is to rip the face off of any trading counterparty they can find - be it clients or funds or competing firms or a government entity.
    #60     Jul 9, 2011