Just look at this scum

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. That's a little harsh man. Every people has a right to exist, and no group should have to justify it's own existence.

    I agree that these people, as we've seen in many of the "youth" flash mob incidents, or the London riots, have been acting barbaric and feral. But again, that's by my white, western standards. There no reason for me to expect them to adhere to my standards, and I don't adhere to theirs. They are a different group of people, who evolved separately from mine for hundreds of thousands of years. It's absurd to presume that their biological development, ethnocultural values, traits, or culture will have developed identically to mine.

    The problem we have here is that when any two groups of people occupy the same state/country/area/ etc that one always oppresses the other. Back in the days of slavery, lynchings, and Jim Crow, whites were oppressing the blacks. Now, if you take a look at the interracial murder, rape, and robbery rates, or a quick look at the many racial discrimination programs which discriminate in the favor of blacks against whites for jobs, promotions, education funding, and university admissions it's pretty clear to see that whites are being discriminated against.

    The problem here isn't that black people exist, it's that they are expected to adhere to white cultural norms, and achieve equal social outcomes by white, western concepts of achievement. To say that they should, or even want to is to suggest that we are "better" than them. The error is not in the fact that they haven't had identical social outcomes to white people, but rather the notion that they should 1)be able to or 2) want to.

    Really, these "diversity" and "multiculturalism" cheerleaders are the real supremacists. They think that if black people don't have social outcomes like white people then something is "wrong" with them, that if they don't successfully recreate themselves in the image of whites, that they need to be "fixed".

    #21     Sep 3, 2011
  2. Well even if you had, that wouldn't be irrelevant since that's not what's happening here...

    #22     Sep 3, 2011
  3. In all fairness much of the prison overpopulation problem is due to the fact that we're locking people up, often for a very long time, which have hurt noone. People who have committed nonviolent offenses like drug possession often spend many years in jail. That's why we have such problems. If jail was primarily for violent offenders and sexual offenders, we wouldn't have these problems.

    #23     Sep 3, 2011
  4. Lucrum


    While I was brought up to believe "drugs are bad" and to some extent still think they are/can be; imprisoning minor offenders for long sentences with our budget problems is just stupid.
    #24     Sep 3, 2011
  5. Wow, what's with all the intolerance? If you want to be fair here the "native inhabitants of these great lands" were mostly nomadic hunter gatherers who had no permanent homes, and who regularly committed genocide upon each other. Let alone the fact that they hadn't yet come of with some of the basic technological innovations which the Europeans had, like say... I don't know, the wheel?? LOL!

    Also, let's not pretend like the violence didn't go both ways... In reality, the amerindians declared war on the white settlers, and regularly killed large swaths of white settlers who had done nothing to them. Of course that (accurate) side of the story is rarely taught in schools today. Instead we get fairly tales about the "disappearing colony of Roanoke". LOL! Yep that whole colony just disappeared! Gee, I wonder what happened to them... Did you mention genocide earlier? Yet white people are the evil ones because they won?! LMAO!

    Of course for whatever wrongs Europeans did commit they have bent over backwards to make up for, despite the fact that the indians committed savage murder after savage murder of white people, and gang raped white women often before killing them. That all gets pushed by the wayside as american indians are given free land, with free healthcare, free education, free room and board on their reservations where they make their own laws, all paid for by the evil, wicked, oppressive white man to the tune of billions per year, and they don't even have to pay taxes on top of all that! That's pretty unprecedented treatment for a conquered people who committed violent barbaric acts against the people who conquered them.

    Back to Europe? Geez, what are you, a racist or something?

    #25     Sep 3, 2011
  6. When did the USA ever pick on Mexicans? What are you talking about? When were there mass lynchings of Irish and Italians? I also missed the part where Irish and Italians were enslaved by America... LOL! You revisionist kooks are something else...

    Hang yourselves? Wow, that's pretty genocidal. You have a deep seated hatred of white people. I don't wish genocide on anyone, not even the groups I find most objectionable. You really ought to be reported to the mods for advocating genocide. That's pretty sick man.

    #26     Sep 3, 2011
  7. Well for "whatever reason", some groups have trouble doing that no matter how many racial spoils, or racial preference programs are thrown at them. It's ironic that the groups who remain "oppressed" generation after generation, all seem to have one thing in common: 3rd world ethnic origins, from places who live in squalor not unlike their communities here do.

    #27     Sep 3, 2011
  8. I don't think you can over simplify it like that. I think some drugs certainly are very bad, while others are far less bad than alcohol or cigarettes, yet they can result in multi decade sentences at a huge cost to the tax payer, and ruin people's lives who have hurt no one.

    In any case, even if you assumed that drugs were bad that doesn't matter. According to my ethics, if you want to fuck up your own life that's your prerogative: it's YOUR life. Wanting drugs to be decriminalized either partially or totally isn't synonymous with condoning any or all drug use. It's simply acknowledging that it's not a CRIMINAL act. If they legalized crack tomorrow would you go start smoking crack? I would guess you would not, nor would most people. I guess the point is that 1) even if it's bad, it's bad to the user, who has a right to call his own shots for his life 2) it doesn't hurt others and 3) we don't need the government to tell us what is or is not good for us.

    I support some drug measures, like mandatory drug testing for anyone who receives any form of welfare, etc. I just think we violate far too many constitutional rights, spend billions per year, and keep drug mafias and hence commerce with Mexico active by keeping our current regime in place.

    #28     Sep 3, 2011
  9. I posted elsewhere that Football fans were scum. Players too.

    Thanks for even more proof.

    stock777, right yet again.
    #29     Sep 4, 2011
  10. wildchild


    Yeah they only built sites like Machu Picchu which is an engineering marvel and had cities that had populations in excess of 1 million people while London had a population of 45,000.
    #30     Sep 4, 2011