Jon Stewart on the stages of Grief at MSNBC following Walker election

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Jun 7, 2012.

  1. Lucrum


    #11     Jun 7, 2012
  2. Brass


    No, I'm definitely liberal, with a fiscally conservative bent. Never said otherwise. However, I can be fairly objective when circumstances warrant. On the other hand, you pretend to to objective but can't even play act the part. You are the epitome of partisan hackery and mindless ideology. You're not quite smart enough to know just how fucking stupid you really are. But don't worry, we do.

    When you grow up and have kids and grandkids, be sure to bring their attention to your post history. They'll never bother you again.
    #12     Jun 7, 2012
  3. Brass


    "Alligator tears" is the incorrect usage of the term "crocodile tears." Either way, your use of the term is contextually flawed, so it doesn't matter one way or the other. I'm sure most of the time neither of us really knows what you're talking about.
    #13     Jun 7, 2012
  4. Yannis


    The amount of misinformation and misunderstanding this man comes up with and passes on to others as naturally as he breathes is staggering... Is that the best of liberal thinking these days? Oh well :(
    #14     Jun 7, 2012
  5. Like I was saying in another thread. There is a growing divide between public sector unions and the private sector unions, and these nitwits either can't see it, or don't know what to do about it. So let me explain it to Big Eddie and the rest of the Obama morons as only the Captain can.
    Private sector unions have been taking it up the ass for 3 decades. They have lost all kinds of benefits, reduction in wages, seen two tier wage classifications become the norm, massive layoff's across the board, etc., etc. What they're saying is, if we gotta' pay the piper, you gotta' pay too. Demanding pay and benefit increases, when the entire rest of the workforce in taking a hit won't win you any friends as evidenced by Walker, pretty much an arrogant asshole if there ever was one just kicked your asses. Open your f'n eyes!!
    #15     Jun 7, 2012
  6. Mercor


    alligator tears
    Tears that are fake, or are meant to deceive. Same as crocodile tears.
    Man, that bitch was totally faking it with those alligator tears. tears

    Brass, you just aint street like Lucrum
    #16     Jun 7, 2012
  7. Brass


    Lucrum's "alligator tears" reference (again, an incorrect reference to "crocodile tears") was directed at me. How and why would I be shedding "alligator tears" by any relevant definition in connection to this story? It makes no sense regardless of how you try to accommodate Lucrum with the benefit of the doubt. So next time you go street with Lucrum, be sure to bring a bag with you to pick up after him.
    #17     Jun 7, 2012
  8. Ricter


    "alligator tears

    incorrect usage of "crocodile tears."

    google v. google
    #18     Jun 7, 2012
  9. Max E.

    Max E.

    Well said, and i would add that people might be willing to accept the sheer incompetence of most of the people working for the government, combined with the lax working hours, if they had lower wages, and smaller pensions.

    They might be willing to accept the astronomically high wages and pensions of government employees, if they worked hard long hours, and they were highly efficient.

    What people are not willing to accept is government employees doing a piss poor job, working less hours, for higher wages, and bigger pensions, this is insane.

    Another thing that seems to be overlooked in the whole walker election is that pension reform was put to a vote on Tuesday in both San Jose, and San Diego, two of the furthest left cities on the planet, and both of them voted to start reigning in government pensions, so this thing with Walker was not just some anomaly where he was able to spend money in order to convince people to vote for something they dont want.

    This is the reality of how people all over the country actually feel about government unions. You look at some of the most popular governors in the country right now like Christie, who has close to a 60% rating in a blue state, and the common theme is that they are making the tough decisions when it comes to reigning in the government unions, as opposed to simply coming up with yet another "millionaires" tax as if the bleeding artery is somehow fixable, by putting a bandage on it.

    #19     Jun 7, 2012
  10. Max E.

    Max E.

    "Alligator tears" is the incorrect usage of the term "crocodile tears." Either way, your use of the term is contextually flawed, so it doesn't matter one way or the other. I'm sure most of the time neither of us really knows what you're talking about."

    LOL, once again the "Highly enlightened" troll, Brass/Gabfly resorts to correcting peoples grammar...... We are dealing with a real winner here folks.... I almost want to take him off ignore just to laugh at him..... :D
    #20     Jun 8, 2012