...realized that he could squeeze alot more cash out of the order flow by keeping his stock in a range all morning... ...occasionally ripping to one end of the range, printing outside the spread, and then failing to provide a liquid market on the way back, johnny really pissed off everyone who trades his stock... i'd give the NYSE prick factor a 46 on a scale of 1-10 today...
shit, that sounds like what these pricks have been doing for the past month or so, good thing we pay higher sec fees and the specialists are still able to get away with murder.......
Specialists are exploiting their advantage at max pain for traders. Find the primary trend and use stops.
yeah it's really funny now with what happened to GE this afternoon. it couldn't have been at a more appropriate time. i don't trade GE, but i can tell you that my guy has been scalping opposing market orders CONSTANTLY lately for outrageous spreads when the orders are less than 3sec apart. and i'm not talking about blocks only. he's been doing this with 1,000sh and less. today was really frustrating.
ahhh chop chop chop chop chop this sucks...i'm not getting any good profits...only getting chopped and stopped out. i used to be good at trading these ranges, but my desire to let profits run is costing me $$$ when i get stopped out... it's easy to keep losses pretty small, but small losses are adding up...maybe better to stay away...