John McCain calls tea party republicans foolish and naive.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. Ricter


    There's the dog whistle blowing again. When you control for "certain demographic conditions", you'll find that poor educational outcomes correlate more strongly with inequality.
    #11     Jul 30, 2011
  2. Wrong again equality princess. Dirt poor Caucasians with house hold incomes in the bottom 5-10% score as good or better than African Americans from middle to upper middle class income households.

    Sorry to keep shattering your equality myths like this, but it was going to happen sooner or later.

    #12     Jul 30, 2011
  3. Ricter


    Unknown page from 2000. How did you find it? Oh yeah, you went looking for one like it.
    #13     Jul 30, 2011
  4. Unknown? What's unknown about it? It cites grades and test scores. Who cares if it's from 2000?

    You don't have to look very hard at all actually. In fact the "inequality" explanations vanish into thin air upon actual examination.

    The fact is, when normalized for "inequality" Caucasians and East Asians still academically out perform Africans and Central/South Americans, regardless of economic conditions. Also, far more money per capita is allocated for the education of African American children and Latin American children, yet this pesky little achievement gap persists. So you guys are going to have to perform yet another feat of logical yoga and come up with yet another theory to explain this, because the "inequality" yarn is exposed. California recently decided that many math and science programs, and even homework are racist. Maybe there's somewhere you guys could go with that one?

    #14     Jul 30, 2011
  5. Lucrum


    We're NOT all equal at least not mentally, physically and financially.
    We're all human, born with certain basic human rights but we are NOT all equal. Never have been never will be. I can see where a bleeding heart would consider it a nice dream. But it's NOT realistic.
    #15     Jul 30, 2011
  6. FWIW, the man who received the Nobel Prize for discovering DNA agrees with me: " In October 2007, James Watson, who shared a Nobel Prize in 1962 for discovering the structure of DNA molecules, told a British newspaper that he is “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” on the grounds that “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours—whereas all the testing says not really.” Watson continued that while we would like to think that all humans are equal, “people who have to deal with black employees find this not true.”

    he writes, “There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so.”

    in November William Saletan, a science writer for the liberal Web site, published a series of articles in which he argued that Watson’s original comments were correct. According to Saletan:

    Tests do show an IQ deficit, not just for Africans relative to Europeans, but for Europeans relative to Asians. Economic and cultural theories have failed to explain most of the pattern, and there’s strong preliminary evidence that part of it is genetic. It’s time to prepare for the possibility that equality of intelligence, in the sense of racial averages on tests, will turn out not to be true.

    It's just a fact that you guys are going to have to prepare yourselves for the fact that there are congenitally conferred group differences. Perhaps one day you will have the maturity to swallow the fact that this has nothing to do with "hate".
    #16     Jul 30, 2011
  7. Political equality is about policies which treat people as individuals, and have equal rights under the law. I'm all in favor of that. However, it's not an empirical claim that all people are indistinguishable; that's a marxist egalitarian article of faith.

    Fact: math SAT scores increase with family income for both whites and blacks, confirming Professor Guinier. However, black students from families earning more than $70,000 (1995 dollars) score lower than white students whose families earned less than $10,000. More of the same for the verbal SAT. Here too, the wealthiest blacks score below the poorest whites.

    Fiction: "We're all the same!! It's because of inequality".

    Further, as for "social position, access to libraries, and the opportunity to take vacations or to take SAT prep courses," consider this:

    Black children of parents with graduate degrees have lower SAT scores than white children of parents with a high-school diploma or less. This is called "the Affirmative Action effect".

    #17     Jul 30, 2011
  8. Lucrum


    I am too.
    #18     Jul 30, 2011
  9. rew


    McCain is a half senile, war mongering RINO. I don't trust his judgment on anything. Remember than in 2006 Obama and all of the other senate Democrats voted against raising the debt ceiling. What we're seeing is pure political theater. Only Rand Paul has offered a bill that would actually cut spending by a significant amount. I believe he got zero sponsors. The Boehner plan does not have any real spending cuts, just reductions in planned increases in future spending, and not very big reductions at that. It's just another promise to sober up later, while opening up another bottle of vodka.
    #19     Jul 30, 2011
  10. Great synopsis.

    #20     Jul 30, 2011