John Griffen( Blue Ridge Capital)

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by RainMaker3000, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. Whatever happened to this guy, I saw him at a Bilderberg meeting a few years back, now he claims to be heading the Robin hood foundation...Johnny boy, you gave up after making a few billion, why so?
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2020
  2. Johnny boy where is my money, or do you like hiding in New Zealand with my money?
  3. [​IMG]

    I wonder when griffen the hedge dog is going to crok like his owner Robertson? what happened to the website you had back in 2010, biggie it smalls world, the idea is to use bones as collectible furniture, tell Paulie that his cotton pickin days are nearing...




    Flip a coin on AirForce one, it ain't a dollar, but an old fashioned American Apple Pie, 50 sliver reefs, it's silly if they mistook me, they all look the same, my life is a joke? I swear these fools lay in the same bed, they must have forgot 63, my lucky number
  4. where did the website go? or are you still flashing the i can see you icon on people's laptops?


    all this data manipulation by the devil race synagogue of satan has people looking like fools, that union bank witch, talking about violent...what going to happen in the world, now that's going to be violent...griffy boy how is that office dog eli? I'm sure you treat it better than the black man in your office...
  5. Episcopalian Swine how's my money? chasing paper? well, I'm about to make stone fall from the sky...